Title: OG0-061 Questions and Answers
1OG0-061 IT4IT Part 1 Exam
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7Question NO 1
What value stream has the value proposition of
ensuring that the Service Release meets business
expectations? A. Request to Fulfill B. Strategy
to Portfolio C. Requirement to Deploy D. Detect
to Correct Answer C
8Question NO 2
What does the system of record fabric for IT
management include? A. Service models flowing
across the service backbone B. Functional
components and their interactions C. Data
objects, their relationships and
inter-dependencies D. Value streams and their
typical activities Answer C
9Question NO 3
Which value stream connects consumers with IT
goods and services? A. Detect to
Correct B. Strategy to Portfolio C. Request to
Fulfill D. Requirement to Deploy Answer C
10Question NO 4
What concept does the Reference Architecture
Level 2 introduce that is not included in Level
1? A. Data flow between functional
components B. The concept of Essential Attributes
of data objects C. The concept of an event bus
for the IT service backbone D. A formal
notation Answer A
11Question NO 5
Complete the sentence. The IT4IT Reference
Architecture is intended to help
organizations . A. adapt to change without
having to re-factor the IT management
architecture B. define, implement, and govern an
innovative microservice-based architecture C. impl
ement web-scale and distributed
computing D. assess the maturity of their IT
processes Answer A
12Question NO 6
What is a purpose of the Test functional
component? A. To create Defect data objects that
are consumed by the Defect functional
component B. To maintain traceability of each
Requirement to the original source C. To monitor
and report on the results of each integration
build D. To keep track of all Defects by
registering Defects of all types, including
security-related Defects Answer A
13Question NO 7
What is a benefit of implementing the Requirement
to Deploy value stream for the business? A. Impro
ving the speed at which issues with a business
service are identified, including proactive
identification before impact is
severe B. Accelerate sourcing and delivery of
applications through best practices such as
re-use, automation, and collaboration C. Accurate
visibility of business and IT demand re-balance
IT investments between strategic and operational
demand D. Increased fulfillment efficiency and
consistency through standard change deployment
and automation Answer B
14Question NO 8
What is the purpose of the Enterprise
Architecture functional component? A. To log,
maintain, and evaluate all demands coming into IT
through a single funnel B. To manage creation,
review, approval, and audit of all IT
policies C. To create and manage long-term IT
investment and the execution plan-of-action D. To
manage the authoritative list of all IT
investments Answer B
15Question NO 9
Which model consists of the set of essential
building blocks that create or consume data
objects, together with their relationships? A. Th
e Information Model B. The Functional
Model C. The Service Model D. The Integration
Model Answer B
16Question NO 10
What is a benefit of implementing the Request to
Fulfill value stream? A. Ensuring that the
service delivered actually performs as
requested B. Improved communication with business
stakeholders through roadmaps C. Improving the
speed at which issues with a business service are
identified D. Increased cost optimization by
cancelling subscriptions that are no longer
used Answer A
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