residential treatment centers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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residential treatment centers


Solstice East, one of the leading residential treatment centers for adolescent girls in the country, is located just outside of Asheville, North Carolina. Through a unique combination of therapeutic techniques based upon both traditional and holistic mental health treatment, we treat our clients with age and gender specific therapies. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: residential treatment centers

A Guide to Residential Treatment Center
  • In a Residential treatment center, adolescents
    are given treatment for the problems they face
    like mental illness, alcohol addiction, to
    emotional and physical disorders.
  • Many states in U.S.A and other parts of the world
    have different types of residential treatment
    centers. Different residential treatments include
    mental health, alcohol and drug. Drug
    rehabilitation centers help people deal with
    psychological dependency on drugs such as
    cocaine, heroin and many prescription pills.
  • Between 13-18 age group many adolescents go
    through behavioral change where in they get
    addicted to drug, do some violent act etc. Many
    youngsters in Okanagan and Kelowna are mentally
    disturbed due to behavioral modification.
  • What is residential treatment center?
  • - This center is set up for adolescents who go
    through mental illness, sexual behavioral
    problems, drug abuse or emotional, residential
    treatment centers and physical disorder.
  • - Various types of treatment centers are lock and
    unlock. In lock treatment, patients' movements
    are limited to single room or cell. In unlocked
    treatment, patients are given limited freedom.
  • - The length of stay in these centers range from
    few months to years. Here the insurance coverage
    depends on the level of care.

Pros and Cons of Intensive Residential Treatment
Programs For Teens
  • When your teen is in trouble, serious trouble,
    seeking help is essential. There are many types
    of assistance but intensive therapy is commonly
    used. You can make a choice between outpatient
    treatment where your teen goes home after their
    therapy or residential treatment where they live
    in the facility and undertake everything on site.
    They go to school there, they eat and asleep
    there and, of course, they receive specific
    treatment there for their problems.
  • But know this well. Your teen must make a
    complete recovery. If they take their problem
    into adulthood, it could mean problems for life.
    So should you send your teen to a residential
    intensive testament center? What are the pros and
    cons of such a choice?
  • One of the great advantages of the residential
    treatment program is the teen is removed from
    their old haunts and habits. If your teen is
    influenced by other teens, being able to see them
    and do things with them cannot be good for your
    child. Placing them in a safe, programs for
    troubled teens and secure environment removes the
    temptations and dangers of their previous
    lifestyle. Of course it will be hard to 'lose'
    your precious teen for several weeks or months
    but there really is little choice. If your teen
    is in serious trouble then complete removal from
    their old habitat is the only choice to make.
  • The very nature of intensive testament involves
    significant costs. If your teen is being cared
    for 24/7 and being treated by highly-qualified
    and experienced therapists and often on a
    one-to-one basis, that type of service does not
    come cheap. So yes there is a downside to
    residential intensive treatment especially if you
    do not have a high income. But don't despair.
    Some insurance companies offer cover for this
    treatment, there are endowment programs in this
    field and you could inquire about part-payment or
    even a relevant loan. It's costly but there are
    ways to help and the health of your child is of
    vital importance.
  • The setting and atmosphere of an intensive
    residential center is good or bad depending on
    the resident. Some teens will welcome the chance
    to make new friends. These young people will
    enjoy working through their problem knowing there
    is someone else like them. They can share their
    problems and triumph in successful treatment as
    friends. But if your teen is a bit of a loner and
    doesn't mix well with others, putting that in
    group therapy and urging them to make friends may
    backfire. Many facilities do allow for both types
    of personality and if so then there is no
    problem. But do consider the type of child your
    teen is when choosing the facility.

Helpful Advice on Residential Treatment Centers
  • One of the best things about residential
    treatment centers, apart from the fact that they
    change people's lives for good, is that you can
    find out a lot about them. That's important. You
    want to make sure you are doing the very best for
    the member of your family who is in need.
  • There are two main ways to learn all about most
    residential treatment centers. The first is to
    read their brochure and/or web site and the
    second is to ask. And you can ask the center
    itself or some of its former residents and their
    families. There are other sources of information
    too including your local state health department
    and even your family doctor.
  • Now asking is important. You need to discover if
    day patient treatment is a better option than
    residential treatment. The cost is usually much
    higher for residential care but it may not be the
    best way to treat the person in trouble. And
    remember that if a residential treatment center
    doesn't provide testimonials from former
    residents and their families, then perhaps that's
    one center you will not consider. Likewise, if a
    center does not provide free advice on what they
    offer, residential treatment centers for
    depression and how, then that too could well be a
    center to avoid. Fortunately most residential
    treatment centers are thoroughly professional and
    only too willing to assist potential residents
    and their families.
  • Obviously if a center is doing well and produces
    profound change in their clients, people will
    want to talk about it. The former residents will
    be delighted, their families thrilled and the
    staff at the center will be as proud as punch. In
    looking for an appropriate treatment center, look
    for those with glowing testimonials and family
    members who are willing to discuss their
    situation with others.
  • Your family doctor may well be a source of good
    advice but he or she will know specialists who
    too can give you vital information. If your
    family member has a problem with alcohol, drugs,
    depression or an eating disorder, there are
    specialists who deal with many patients who have
    one of those problems. These medical experts will
    know a great deal about residential treatment
    centers, what they can do and thus if they can
    help your family member. Take advantage of this
    free advice. You want the best information and
    talking to the centers themselves and to former
    residents and their families plus the relevant
    medical experts will mean you are in an excellent
    position to make the right decision. Every
    problem is different and every would-be resident
    unique. Match the needs of your family member
    with the right type of treatment.

Effective Academic Programs for Troubled Teens
  • Teenagers experience significant changes as part
    of the natural, painful, and interesting process
    of growing up. When they enter middle school,
    they start dealing with issues about love, deeper
    friendship, family relationships, and more
    rigorous academic requirements. In most
    countries, teenagers usually have issues
    concerning their school and how they interact
    with peers and figures of authority. To
    effectively deal with teens' issues, boarding
    schools for troubled teens offer academic
    programs and systems developed through the help
    of psychological, medical, and educational
  • Boarding schools for troubled teens include a
    wide range of courses in their curriculum. These
    courses are designed for both middle and senior
    high school, and are in accordance to the state's
    core classes in science, mathematics, social
    studies, as well as arts, language, applied
    technology, and other electives. It's like
    enrolling your teen in a regular school, but with
    the additional provisions for extra care, issues
    management, and expert guidance. They also offer
    independent studies and electronic courses that
    aim to help struggling students graduate on time.
  • After admission, each student is given a class
    schedule based on his or her age, prior grade
    placement, and results of academic achievement
    tests, projected graduation requirements,
    residential treatment centers for teens and class
    preference. Through these criteria, school
    administrators and personnel can effectively
    assess each teenager's situation, capabilities,
    and development, and thus put him in the best
    program for his level.
  • For the grading system, performance is rated
    based on a letter system similar to the usual
    educational method. Students receive a progress
    grade in each class every two weeks to assess how
    they are progressing and to determine certain
    privileges in their dormitories. This system
    provides reinforcement and motivation they need
    for academic performance and personal
    development. With such programs for teenagers,
    they can grow with expert guidance from trained

Benefits of a Therapeutic Boarding School
  • A Therapeutic Boarding School can be a great
    option for the growth of your student or child.
    It seems that there is a negative stigma on
    boarding schools. There are many positive
    benefits in sending students to a boarding
    school, especially therapeutic boarding schools.
  • Academics - you may have a student that has had a
    past in struggling in schools or a track record
    of poor grades. This can be brought about for
    many reasons within school or outside of school
    but there is good news. Specialized attention and
    scheduled life styles can make a difference in
    each student that has had a history with below
    average academics. Systems and staff are set up
    to walk alongside students to improve skills,
    habits and self awareness in the academic arena.
    Many experiences are given to help better prepare
    for the future when looking into higher forms of
  • High-Caliber Staff - Therapeutic Boarding Schools
    usually have several master therapists with
    experience working with children and students for
    a long time. Teachers are also very equipped
    teachers who not only assess a child's academic
    progress but also how a child is developing
    mentally, therapeutic boarding schools and
    emotionally. They are equipped with skills to aid
    a child's whole life in the classroom and outside
    the classroom. These teachers really take the
    time to really understand a boy's learning style.
    Teachers are active in the rehabilitation or
    therapy needed for students. This allows teachers
    to know how they are doing outside the classroom
    so that they can help the students inside the
  • Interpersonal Communication -whether the students
    are meeting in groups or they are meeting with
    staff individually, the students are given many
    different "real life" interactions with students
    and teachers. Many times they meet within small
    groups to help them communicate what is happening
    in their lives. This beneficial both to each
    student participating but it is a helpful gauge
    to the therapist in seeing how students react to
    one another and how the interpersonal
    communication is developing.
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