Title: Send Personalized Mugs Online across India - OyeGifts
1Send Personalized Mugs Online across India -
Email oyegifts_at_gmail.com Phone
91-801-099-7070 Website https//www.oyegifts.com
OyeGifts is the one-stop solution for all your
gifting needs. Send the most exotic and
affordable gifts to your near and dear ones and
show them that you truly care.
2You n Me Couple Mug
Every couple deserves a souvenir of their bond.
Surprise a lovely couple with this special couple
Mug that has their photo printed on it. Send
photos to support_at_oyegifts.com
Shop Now!
OyeGifts wants you to embrace memories and so
personalized mugs online will prove to be the
best ever gift. Personalization can be done on
any product but when it is done of mugs it looks
3Smile Please
Celebrate and enjoy the moments of smile and
laugh and gift your friend the Smile Mug. Express
your feelings for your friend on this Friendship
day with this cute and mesmerizing Coffee Mug.
Get this appealing Smiling Coffee Mug from
OyeGifts and mark this as the most special day of
your friendship.
Shop Now!
4Combo of Love Bond
Every couple deserves a souvenir of their bond.
Surprise a lovely couple with this beautiful Gift
Combo. It has a Mug and a Cushion with their
photos printed on it.
Shop Now!
5 My Baby Cup
Every Beloved wants to give something personal to
her Men. On this Valentine you can do the same by
gifting this Personalised Mug to him which has a
small quote dedicated to him.
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6The Mr. Mrs. Right Mugs
The best gift for any couple as these couple mugs
depict that the man and the lady are both perfect
for each other.
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7Best Husband Ever
For a husband who is nothing less than just the
best, this gift hamper is perfect to award him
with the title. Let him know he is THE BEST with
this combo. It consists of - 1 Coffee Mug saying
"Best Husband Ever" - 1 Cushion saying 'Best
Husband Ever' - 1 Temptation
Shop Now!
8Signature Of Affection
Your sister is the bestest gift from the god.
It's time to pamper your sister with a lovely
gift hamper which is can bring the billion dollar
smile on your sister's face. This special gift
combo contains 1. A beautiful coffee mug 2. A
pack of 4 Ferrero Rocher chocolates 3. Maybelline
Color Show nail polish 4. Lakme Blush and Glow
Shop Now!
9Awesome Dad Recipe
Dads have a superpower! They are our hero who
protect us at all times and their fun side makes
them our guardian of rough times. Let your Dad
know how super talented he is through this
digitally printed Coffee Mug and bring a smile on
his face.
Shop Now!
10OyeGifts Coupon Code
Coupon Codes!
Deal Code OG100 Flat Rs.100 off on Flowers ,
Cakes Chocolates
Deal Code SMILE Flat 5 off on Flowers , Cakes