Title: Halie Morris 7th hr
1The Styles Dilemma
2You want to get a ticket to the Harry Styles
Put your name in the raffle to win a ticket?
Do you work for a ticket?
3You decide to get a job at your local ChickFil-A
but your co-worker asks if you can go in and
cover her shift.
You tell her no you dont feel like it.
You go into work for her.
4You put your name in the raffle and win
You win the ticket and give it to the make a wish
You keep the ticket for yourself.
5You go into work for her unauthorized and get
caught by the boss and fired!! So no Harry time!
6You tell her no and her mom is the boss so she
fires you for being lazy.Also no Harry time ?
7You win the ticket and give it to the make a wish
foundation and they love you so they give you
5,000 so u can buy your own ticket!
8You selfishly kept the ticket for yourself so
when all the make a wish kids saw you at the
concert they beat you so bad you had to get
airlifted out of the concert! ?