Title: City cab Point
1City Cab Point
- City Cab Point is an online cab aggregator based
in Khanna . Taxi booking facility can be availed
through app ,website and through calls. - Travel With the comfort you would like if youre
looking for taxi service in geographic region
metropolis and urban centre wish solely the most
effective hire car agency in Khanna.
Travel With the comfort you would like if youre
looking for taxi service in geographic region
metropolis and urban centre wish solely the most
effective hire car agency in Khanna. There are
all skilled hands on the desk of the one-way
4Book cabs in Khanna with app , website and
through calls. We provide these services
- Delhi to Chandigarh
- Ludhiana to Jalandhar
- Ludhiana to Delhi
- Ludhiana to Amritsar
- Mission a marketplace for all types off cabs
- Vision We are a young and energetic company
based in Khanna .Nothing excites us more than
using technology to bring the same efficiency and
customer experience to the car rental industry
that you expect from flights! - Goals short term goals include improving the
rental cabs system in Punjab. - Objective
- Target
- Measures
7Contact Us
Visit at SCF 22, Ist Floor, GTB Market, Khanna
(Punjab). Call us 91-72102-74102 Mail on
8City Cab Point