Title: Collage Success Course
1College and Career Readiness
2Collage Success Course
I taught college and career readiness courses for
Austin Community College (ACC) for 14 years until
December 2019.
It was a wonderful experience, but I needed
more time to work on my own college and career
readiness curriculum and books.
3One of ACCs premier courses is EDUC 1300 which
is a full semester college success course which
includes strong career development and readiness
components. Because of the work we did in my
classes on career exploration combined with
self-knowledge building, many of my students
discovered the college major and career they
wanted to pursue.
This increased their motivation to successfully
complete college. So I am a strong believer in
the value of teaching students courses for both
college and career readiness and success.
4Upbeat Press, LLC Raymond and Bonnie Gerson 11008
Canon Yeomans Ct. Austin Texas 78748 (512)
608-3156 (512) 608-3157 (512) 608-3156 raymondgers
on_at_gmail.com www.upbeatpress.com