Title: Derek Teixeira - Experienced in Project Management
1Derek Teixeira
Project Manager
2(No Transcript)
3Derek Teixeira is a practical expert having
various abilities and skills by means of which he
handles and manages a strong and pleasant
connection with the internal and external workers
and clients. Derek Teixeira is a well-known tech
professional known for serving leading tech
companies in New Jersey, USA.
4Derek Teixeira has earned his bachelor degree in
Computer Sciences from Rutgers University. He is
credited for arranging training sessions for the
individuals who are new in the industry.
5Derek Teixeira is a highly competent professional
with great experience in his pertinent field.
Owing to his immense experience, he is
well-informed in terms of tech-related processes
and different mechanisms.
6Derek Teixeira has a sound understanding of the
tech industry and of the mechanism that it
follows. He got a Masters degree in Business
Administration from Rutgers Business School too.
7Derek Teixeira has more than 20 years of
experience in the tech industry. He is a
knowledgeable and skilled professional with a
sound knowledge of work ethics.
8Thank You
Find out more about him at his official site