Title: FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
1FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
2FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Final Exam Guide FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Investment
Fundamentals and Portfolio Management Final Exam
Guide True/False 1.___ ___ The balance sheet
shows what assets the firm controls at a point in
time and how it financed the assets. 2.___ ___
Free cash flow Cash flow from operations
Capital expenditures Disposition of property
and equipment.
3FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Capital Markets and
Investment Banking Process Paper FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN402 Week 1
Assignment Capital Markets and Investment Banking
Process Paper
4FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 1.2
Preparing Carolyn Bowens Investment Plan FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 1.2 Preparing Carolyn Bowens Investment
Plan Carolyn Bowen, who just turned 55, is
employed as an administrative assistant for the
Xcon Corporation, where she has worked for the
past 20 years. She is in good health, lives
alone, and has two grown children. A few months
ago her
5FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 1.2, 2.1,
2.2, 3.1, 12.1 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Week 1
Assignment Case Problem 1.2 Preparing Carolyn
Bowens Investment Plan FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment
Case Problem 2.1 Daras Dilemma What to Buy? FIN
402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 2.2 Ravi
Dumars High-Flying Margin Account FIN 402 Week 1
Assignment Case Problem
6FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 2.1Daras
Dilemma What to Buy? FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem
2.1Daras Dilemma What to Buy? Dara Simmons, a
40-year-old financial analyst and divorced mother
of two teenage children, considers herself a
savvy investor. She has increased her investment
portfolio considerably over the past five years.
Although she has been fairly conservative with
7FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 2.2 Ravi
Dumars High-Flying Margin Account FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 2.2 Ravi Dumars High-Flying Margin
Account Ravi Dumar is a stockbroker who lives
with his wife, Sasha, and their five children in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ravi firmly believes that
the only way to make money in the market is to
follow an aggressive investment posturefor
example, to use margin trading. In fact, Ravi has
built himself
8FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 3.1 The
Perezes Good Fortune FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 3.1
The Perezes Good Fortune Angel and Marie Perez
own a small pool hall located in southern New
Jersey. They enjoy running the business, which
they have owned for nearly three years. Angel, a
retired professional pool shooter, saved for
nearly 10 years to buy this business, which he
and his wife own free and clear.
9FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 12.1
Reverend Mark Thomas Ponders Mutual Funds FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 12.1 Reverend Mark Thomas Ponders Mutual
Funds The Reverend Mark Thomas is the minister of
a church in the San Diego area. He is married,
has one young child, and earns a modest income.
Because religious organizations are not notorious
for their generous retirement programs
10FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are capital
market instruments? How are they used? Which is
most important? Explain your answer.
11FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What is an asset
class? How are asset classes selected? What
factors affect the selection?
12FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What is a
derivative? What are the different types of
derivatives? How do businesses use derivatives to
mitigate risks?
13FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Individual Problem Set FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com The Problem
Set is provided to you to enable you to practice
the concepts outlined in the textbook. Select
THREE completed problems from the assignment and
post your solutions to those problems. 1.
Creating prices for securities and allowing for
liquidity are functions
14FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 1 Individual Weekly Question FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Submit
your Weekly Questions, with original questions,
in a Microsoft Word or text file. Be sure to show
your work to earn full credit. Do not use
Investopedia, About.com, Wikipedia, or other
generic internet websites as sources. Use
credible sources only. Also, do not use quotes in
lieu of a response in your own words.
15FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Asset Classes Paper
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN4
02 Week 2 Assignment Asset Classes Paper
16FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 2.1
Traditional Versus Modern Portfolio Theory Whos
Right FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com
Case Problem 2.1 Traditional Versus Modern
Portfolio Theory Whos Right? Walt Davies and
Shane OBrien are district managers for Lee, Inc.
Over the years, as they moved through the firms
sales organization, they became (and still
remain) close friends. Walt, who is 33 years old,
currently lives
17FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.1
Coatess Decision FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 4.1
Coatess Decision On January 1, 2017, Dave
Coates, a 23-year-old mathematics teacher at
Xavier High School, received a tax refund of
1,100. Because Dave didnt need this money for
his current living expenses, he decided to make a
long-term investment.
18FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.1, 4.2,
2.1, 5.2, 13.1 (Part a,b,c,d) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Week 2
Assignment Case Problem 4.1 Coatess Decision FIN
402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.2 The
Risk-Return Tradeoff Molly ORourkes Stock
Purchase Decision FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case
Problem 2.1 Traditional Versus Modern Portfolio
Theory Whos Right FIN 402
19FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.2 The
Risk-Return Tradeoff Molly ORourkes Stock
Purchase Decision FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 4.2
The Risk-Return Tradeoff Molly ORourkes Stock
Purchase Decision Over the past 10 years, Molly
ORourke has slowly built a diversified portfolio
of common stock. Currently her portfolio includes
20 different common stock issues and has a total
market value of 82,500. Molly
20FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 5.2 Susan
Lussiers Inherited Portfolio Does It Meet Her
Needs FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com
Case Problem 5.2 Susan Lussiers Inherited
Portfolio Does It Meet Her Needs? Susan Lussier
is 35 years old and employed as a tax accountant
for a major oil and gas exploration company. She
earns nearly 135,000 a year from her salary and
from participation in the companys drilling
21FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 13.1
Assessing the Stalcheckss Portfolio Performance
(Part a,b,c,d) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 13.1
Assessing the Stalcheckss Portfolio Performance
Mary and Nick Stalcheck have an investment
portfolio containing four investments. It was
developed to provide them with a balance between
current income and capital appreciation.
22FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are different
ratio categories? Which category is most
important to bondholders? Why? Which category is
most important to stockholders? Why?
23FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are liquidity
ratios? Why are they important? How may an
investor use liquidity ratios when making
investment decisions?
24FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are different
ratio categories? Which category is most
important to bondholders? Why? Which category is
most important to stockholders? Why?
25FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Portfolio
Selection Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Resources
Electronic Reserve Readings, Internet, University
Library Select one publicly traded bond. Select
five organizations from the following list. These
organizations represent the stocks that comprise
your portfolio. Cisco Systems, Inc.
26FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Weekly Problem Set FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com The Problem
Set is provided to you to enable you to practice
the concepts outlined in the textbook. Select
THREE completed problems from the assignment and
post your solutions to those problems. In your
solutions, provide an explanation as to why you
choose the answer.
27FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 2 Weekly Question FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com 1. (2 point)
Calculate the expected return of the following
stocks using CAPM. You can use internet websites
to get Beta figures, such as Yahoo! Finance,
Google Finance, MSN Money, Marketwatch, etc. Use
4 as the risk free rate and 6 as the risk
premium. a. Proctor Gamble (PG) b.
Microsoft (MSFT)
28FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem 6.1 Sara
Decides to Take the Plunge FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 6.1
Sara Decides to Take the Plunge Sara Thomas is a
child psychologist who has built a thriving
practice in her hometown of Boise, Idaho. Over
the past several years she has been able to
accumulate a substantial sum of money. She has
worked long and hard to be successful, but she
never imagined
29FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem 6.1, 6.2,
7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Week 3
Assignment Case Problem 6.1 Sara Decides to Take
the Plunge FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem
6.2 Wally Wonders Whether Theres a Place for
Dividends FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem
7.1 Some Financial Ratios Are Real Eye-Openers
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment
30FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem 6.2 Wally
Wonders Whether Theres a Place for Dividends
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Ca
se Problem 6.2 Wally Wonders Whether Theres a
Place for Dividends Wally Wilson is a commercial
artist who makes a good living by doing freelance
workmostly layouts and illustrationsfor local
ad agencies and major institutional clients (such
as large department stores). Wally has been
31FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem 7.2 Doris
Looks at an Auto Issue FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 7.2
Doris Looks at an Auto Issue Doris Wise is a
young career woman. She lives in Phoenix,
Arizona, where she owns and operates a highly
successful modeling agency. Doris manages her
modest but rapidly growing investment portfolio,
made up mostly of high-grade common stocks.
32FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem 8.1 Chris
Looks for a Way to Invest His Wealth FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 8.1 Chris Looks for a Way to Invest His
Wealth Chris Norton is a young Hollywood writer
who is well on his way to television
superstardom. After writing several successful
television specials, he was recently named the
head writer for one of TVs top-rated sitcoms.
Chris fully
33FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Relative Performance
Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Relative
Performance Paper
34FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 AssignmentCase Problem 7.1 Some
Financial Ratios Are Real Eye-Openers FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 7.1 Some Financial Ratios Are Real
Eye-Openers Jack Arnold is a resident of Lubbock,
Texas, where he is a prosperous rancher and
businessman. He has also built up a sizable
portfolio of common stock, which, he believes, is
due to the fact that he thoroughly evaluates each
stock he
35FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 AssignmentCase Problem 8.2 An
Analysis of a High-Flying Stock FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 8.2 An Analysis of a High-Flying Stock
Marc Dodier is a recent university graduate and a
security analyst with the Kansas City brokerage
firm of Lippman, Brickbats, and Shaft. Marc has
been following one of the hottest issues on Wall
Street, CI Medical Supplies, a company that has
36FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 AssignmentCase Problem 9.2 Deb
Takes Measure of the Market FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 9.2
Deb Takes Measure of the Market Several months
ago, Deb Forrester received a substantial sum of
money from the estate of her late aunt. Deb
initially placed the money in a savings account
because she was not sure what to do with it.
Since then, however, she has taken a course in
investments at the local university.
37FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What is the
difference between systematic and unsystematic
risk? How is the beta coefficient used to assess
risk? Is it better to maximize return or minimize
risk? Why?
38FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What is the
relationship between inflation and interest
rates? How does this relationship affect asset
prices? How does the unemployment rate affect
interest rates?
39FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What factors must
be taken into consideration when creating an
investment portfolio? How must a portfolios
components be weighted?
40FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Individual Assignment CAPM Web
Exercise FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.
com FIN 402 Week 3 Individual Assignment CAPM
Web Exercise ResourceFundamentals of Investment
Management Prepare a response to the following
assignment Web Exercise (Ch. 21) of Fundamentals
of Investment Management, including calculations
for each organization listed in Step 9
41FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Weekly Problem Set FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com The Problem
Set is provided to you to enable you to practice
the concepts outlined in the textbook. Select
THREE completed problems from the assignment and
post your solutions to those problems. In your
solutions, provide an explanation as to why you
choose the answer.
42FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 3 Weekly Question FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Submit your Weekly
Questions, with original questions, in a
Microsoft Word or text file. Be sure to show your
work to earn full credit. 1. (2 point) Use
the expected return and Beta calculated in Week 2
Homework Questions 1 for the stocks listed PG,
Microsoft, Macys, JP Morgan Chase and Southern
Company. You will make three portfolios
43FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Assignment Case Problem 10.1 Max
and Veronica Develop a Bond Investment Program
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Ca
se Problem 10.1 Max and Veronica Develop a Bond
Investment Program Max and Veronica Shuman, along
with their teenage sons, Terry and Thomas, live
in Portland, Oregon. Max is a sales rep for a
major medical firm, and Veronica is a personnel
officer at a local bank. Together they earn an
44FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Assignment Case Problem 10.1,
10.2, 11.1, 11.2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Week 4
Assignment Case Problem 10.1 Max and Veronica
Develop a Bond Investment Program FIN 402 Week 4
Assignment Case Problem 10.2 The Case of the
Missing Bond Ratings FIN 402 Week 4 Assignment
Case Problem 11.1 The Bond Investment Decisions
45FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Assignment Case Problem 10.2 The
Case of the Missing Bond Ratings FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 10.2 The Case of the Missing Bond Ratings
Its probably safe to say that theres nothing
more important in determining a bonds rating
than the underlying financial condition and
operating results of the company issuing the
bond. Just as financial ratios can be used in the
analysis of common
46FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Assignment Case Problem 11.1 The
Bond Investment Decisions of Dave and Marlene
Carter FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.co
m Case Problem 11.1 The Bond Investment
Decisions of Dave and Marlene Carter Dave and
Marlene Carter live in the Boston area, where
Dave has a successful orthodontics practice. Dave
and Marlene have built up a sizable investment
portfolio and have always had a major portion of
their investments
47FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Assignment Case Problem 11.2 Grace
Decides to Immunize Her Portfolio FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 11.2 Grace Decides to Immunize Her
Portfolio Grace Hesketh is the owner of an
extremely successful dress boutique in downtown
Chicago. Although high fashion is Graces first
love, shes also interested in investments,
particularly bonds and other fixed-income
securities. She actively manages her own
48FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are examples of
active and passive portfolio management
techniques? Why would a portfolio manager pursue
active instead of passive techniques?
49FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Does international
diversification enhance risk reduction? Why or
why not? What measures may be taken to reduce
risks of international portfolio investing?
50FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are unique risks
associated with foreign investments? How might an
investor protect his or her portfolio against
such risks? Is it possible to protect a portfolio
from all risk?
51FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Individual Assignment Risk and
Return Tradeoff Memo (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Week
4 Individual Assignment Risk and Return Tradeoff
Memo Resources Constructing and Managing a
Portfolio Simulation, Electronic Reserve
Readings, University Library Complete the
Constructing and Managing a Portfolio simulation
on the student website.
52FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Risk and
Return Analysis Paper (Portfolio Risk Analysis)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN
402 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Risk and
Return Analysis Paper Complete the following
activities Conduct a risk assessment and return
analysis on the investment vehicles in your
portfolio. Select the weights of each vehicle in
your portfolio for example, the percentage of
the portfolio each vehicle makes up.
53FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Weekly Problem Set FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com The Problem
Set is provided to you to enable you to practice
the concepts outlined in the textbook. Select
THREE completed problems from the assignment and
post your solutions to those problems. 1. The
weak form of the EMH states that ________ must be
reflected in the current stock price.
54FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 4 Weekly Question FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com 1. (2 point)
Go to Morningstar.com. Find the listed mutual
funds profiles on the website. Under Ratings
Risk, find and submit the Sharpe Ratio for each
fund. Then discuss, using the ratio, which fund
you believe provides a better investment.
55FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem 14.1 The
Franciscos Investment Options FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case Problem 14.1
The Franciscos Investment Options Hector
Francisco is a successful businessman in Atlanta.
The box-manufacturing firm he and his wife, Judy,
founded several years ago has prospered. Because
he is self-employed, Hector is building his own
retirement fund. So far, he has accumulated
56FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem 14.1,
14.2, 15.1, 15.2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com FIN 402 Week 5
Assignment Case Problem 14.1 The Franciscos
Investment Options FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case
Problem 14.2 Lukes Quandary To Hedge or Not to
Hedge FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem 15.1
T. J.s Fast-Track Investments Interest Rate
Futures FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem
57FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem 14.2
Lukes Quandary To Hedge or Not to Hedge FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Case
Problem 14.2 Lukes Quandary To Hedge or Not to
Hedge A little more than 10 months ago, Luke
Weaver, a mortgage banker in Phoenix, bought 300
shares of stock at 40 per share. Since then, the
price of the stock has risen to 75 per share. It
is now near the end of the year, and the market
58FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem 15.1 T.
J.s Fast-Track Investments Interest Rate
Futures FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.c
om Case Problem 15.1 T. J.s Fast-Track
Investments Interest Rate Futures T. J. Patrick
is a young, successful industrial designer in
Portland, Oregon, who enjoys the excitement of
commodities speculation. T. J. has been dabbling
in commodities since he was a teenagerhe
59FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Case Problem 15.2 Jim
and Polly Pernelli Try Hedging with Stock Index
Futures FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.c
om Case Problem 15.2 Jim and Polly Pernelli
Try Hedging with Stock Index Futures Jim Pernelli
and his wife, Polly, live in Augusta, Georgia.
Like many young couples, the Pernellis are a
two-income family. Jim and Polly are both college
graduates and hold high-paying jobs. Jim has been
an avid investor
60FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Assignment Investment Portfolio
Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com This tutorial
contains 2 Different Papers Prepare a paper,
not to exceed 5 pages, in which you assess the
performance of your portfolio, using William
Sharpes and Harry Markowitzs modern portfolio
theories. Address the following
61FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are different
types of alternative investment vehicles? Which
is preferable? What factors could affect the
choice of such a vehicle?
62FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What is an individual
retirement account? Is it important to have an
individual retirement account?
63FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
VISIT www.fin402guide.com What are derivatives?
How may they be used to manage a portfolio?
64FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Individual Assignment Investment
Enhancement Paper FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin402guide.com Prepare a 1,050- to
1,750-word paper in which you address the
following Analyze effects of international
portfolio diversification on an investment
portfolio. Examine alternative investment
65FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Weekly Problem Set FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com 1. You
purchase one IBM July 125 call contract for a
premium of 5. You hold the option until the
expiration date when IBM stock sells for 123 per
share. You will realize a ______ on the
66FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com
FIN 402 Week 5 Weekly Questions FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin402guide.com Submit your
Weekly Questions, with original questions, in a
Microsoft Word or text file. Be sure to show your
work to earn full credit. Do not use
Investopedia, About.com, Wikipedia, or other
generic internet websites as sources. Use
credible sources only. Also, do not use quotes in
lieu of a response in your own words.
67FIN 402 GUIDE Wonderful Education--fin402guide.com