Coronavirus and Sensual Health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Coronavirus and Sensual Health


With the coronavirus pandemic in full swing, are there any reasons to be concerned about sensual health? Yes, sensually active people should be aware of possible risks. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Coronavirus and Sensual Health

Coronavirus and Sensual Health
By John Dugan
  • By now, there are few if any people in the
    civilized world who do not know about coronavirus
    (technically, COVID-19), the pandemic of which is
    causing major changes throughout the world. At
    this writing, the story is evolving and changing
    every day, and there is no way of knowing exactly
    what path the pandemic will take. What is clear
    is that coronavirus is a major concern health
    concern and that raises the question of whether
    it presents any sensual health or specifically
    male organ health concerns.
  • The answer is yes kind of. At least as far as
    is known now. (It should be noted that the
    information presented below is for educational
    purposes and should not substitute for advice
    from qualified medical professionals, who should
    be consulted by anyone with questions about
  • The current coronavirus is known to most
    effectively be transmitted through infected
    droplets passing from one persons mouth or nose
    to anothers. For example, if a contaminated
    person sneezes in a second persons face, there
    is a fairly significant chance that the second
    person will become contaminated as well. (It
    should be pointed out that in both cases that
    of the person who does the sneezing and that of
    the person whose face is sneezed in it is
    possibly that neither person may know that they
    have coronavirus. It is asymptomatic in the
    majority of cases but can still be passed on to
    someone else in whom it may not be asymptomatic.)
  • It is also thought that coronavirus can be passed
    on through contact with a surface that has been
    contaminated. So if a person with the virus
    spreads the germs to, say, a door handle, a
    person touching the door handle may pick up the
    germs if they then touch their affected hand to
    their face, they may pass on the virus to
    themselves in that way. However, this method of
    transmission is less likely than direct
    transmission from the mouth or nose to another
Sensual health
  • How does this relate to sensual health? Clearly,
    if sneezing or coughing can transmit these
    infected droplets, so can kissing. So couple who
    engage in kissing in which one partner is
    infected run a significant risk of both couples
    becoming infected.
  • What about other sensual acts? Other versions of
    coronavirus have not been found to spread
    significantly sensually however, it stands to
    reason that if, say, a woman infected with the
    coronavirus performed oral sensual activity on a
    man who then touched his member and touched his
    face, that he might very well increase the risk
    of becoming infected.
  • Other seemingly more innocent acts that relate to
    sensual health might also pose some problems. For
    example, going on a date and sharing food (You
    have to try this!) or sipping wine from a dates
    glass might also be a possible route of
  • Even something like online dating apps should be
    looked at. How many people thoroughly wipe their
    phone screens on a consistent basis? Swiping
    right with an infected finger could potentially
    create an issue.
  • The bottom line if a person thinks they might be
    infected, its best to (1) get tested right away
    and (2) avoid sensual contact (and other physical
    contact) until their health status is known. And
    its important that people be wary of possible
    infected surfaces so they wash or disinfect
    their hands frequently and also screens or other
    objects that they touch frequently.
  • Coronavirus will hopefully soon be brought under
    control and not continue to be a sensual health
    concern. In the meantime, men should continue to
    apply regularly a superior male organ health oil
    (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil,
    which is clinically proven mild and safe for
    skin). Look for an oil that contains a range of
    vitamins (A, B5, C, D and E) to maintain good
    male organ health. And also be sure the oil
    contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant
    that helps prevent damage to delicate skin from
    free radicals.
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