Title: Best Motivational Speaker (1)
1 Happiness_at_SureshDevnani.com
Dr. Suresh Devnani
- Miserable millionaire
- Happiness reinvented
- Happiness centered business
- Happiness centered customers
3(No Transcript)
4In this must have guide Happiness Centered
Customers, Dr. Suresh Devnani lays out some very
specific things for any business can put to
immediate use to grow their bottom line profits..
5 Dr. Suresh Devnani commonly known as the Happy
Doctor, and has spent the greater part of his
academic career studying the Mind-Body
relationship. In his book Happiness Centered
Business, Dr. Suresh Devnani lists 10 things you
should know about how Happiness can be applied in
Growing a Sustainable Business.
6A happier world is possible. Our actions can
help make the difference.
7 Thank you