Title: Dental Abscess Definition and Facts
1VISIT OUR CLINIC 103, 1st Floor, Ankur
Alley,Above HDFC Bank,Satya Sai Square, A.B
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CONTACT US dr.jyotip_at_gmail.comP91
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2A dental abscess is an infection of the mouth,
face, jaw, or throat that begins as a tooth
infection. The original cause may be from a deep
cavity, periodontal (gum) disease, a cracked
tooth, trauma, or sometimes even due to recent
dental procedures such as extractions and
implants. Most infections are more likely to have
been caused by poor dental health and can result
from lack of proper and timely dental care. They
can also occur from previously performed dental
procedures as they get older and start to leak
and fail. People with underlying medical
conditions such as autoimmune disorders
(Sjögren's syndrome and similar conditions) or
conditions that weaken the immune system
(diabetes, post-radiation/chemotherapy cancer
care, or people taking immunosuppressive therapy)
may be more susceptible to developing a dental
3- In an abscess, bacteria from the tooth can extend
into the gums, the cheek, the throat, the tissues
beneath the tongue, or even into the jaw or
facial bones. A dental abscess can become very
painful when tissues become inflamed or due to
the pressure within the abscess. A gum or
gingival abscess is the result of infection or
trauma to the surface of the gum tissue.
Periodontal abscesses are the result of an
infection that has moved deeper into gum areas
(on the outside surfaces of a tooth), and a
periapical abscess refers to a tooth with an
infection of the dental pulp (starting inside a
4- Pus often collects at the site of the infection
as the immune system tries to keep the infection
from spreading. Pain may not always be present.
The condition will often become progressively
more painful until the abscess either ruptures
and drains on its own or is drained surgically.
- In extreme cases, a dental abscess can result in
death if it spreads to the brain, causes
septicemia (infection of the bloodstream), or if
swelling obstructs the airway and compromises
breathing. Dental abscesses can also make one
generally ill, with nausea, vomiting, fevers,
chills, and sweats.
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