Title: SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
1SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
2SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
SPE 300 Assignment Week 1 History of Special
Education Presentation (10 slides) For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com SPE
300 Assignment History of Special Education
Presentation (10 slides) Visualize that you
have been asked by your principal to prepare a
presentation for the new parents of exceptional
students in your school on the history of special
3SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
SPE 300 Assignment Week 2 Exceptionalities Wiki
(4 Pages) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com SPE 300 Assignment
Exceptionalities Wiki SPE 300 Week 2
Exceptionalities Wiki Research the
exceptionalities assigned to your team. Discuss
your research and make a plan for completing this
assignment. Complete the Exceptionalities
4SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
SPE 300 Assignment Week 3 Mock IEP For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com SPE
300 Assignment Mock IEP SPE 300 Week 3 Mock
IEP Resources Student Profiles
5SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
SPE 300 Assignment Week 4 Student Accommodation
(4.5 Pages) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com SPE 300 Assignment
Student Accommodation SPE 300 Week 4 Student
Accommodations Visualize that your Learning
Team is sharing your first year together as a
grade-level team at a school. Each of you have
exceptional students in your class, and your team
has decided to prepare ahead of time for your IEP
6SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com
SPE 300 Assignment Week 5 Adapted Lesson (2
Pages) For more course tutorials
visit www.newtonhelp.com SPE 300 Assignment
Adapted Lesson (2 Pages) SPE 300 Week 5
Adapted Lesson Adapt the lesson plan you
developed in EDU/311 or another lesson plan that
you have previously written for implementation
for at least two students with exceptionalities.
7SPE 300 Great Stories/newtonhelp.com