Title: Nadi Astrology for Determination of Horoscope Compatibility
1Nadi Astrology for Determination of Horoscope
In Indian, Chinese, and Western astrological
systems different methods are used to decide
horoscope compatibility. India is a vast country
and the differences are often related to the
regional environments and ethnicities. One of the
popular processes is Nadi reading that is
extensively used in Tamil Nadu and other South
Indian states by astrologers. The system is based
on the concept of ancient sages foreseeing all
events of human lives long before they happened.
It is therefore necessary understanding the core
concept underlying the South Indian astrological
2Core Concept of Nadi Astrology
- The core concept of Nadi astrology is that
ancient sages had foreseen the past, present, and
futures of all people much ahead of time. Such
predictions were based on the movements of
planets on zodiac signs and nakshatras and the
system was different from the methods adopted by
modern astrologers to conduct their studies and
in making predictions.
3Numerology, Palm Reading, and Daily Horoscope
- Astrology is a vast subject and has multiple
wings that include numerology, nadi reading,
Vedic astrology, Chinese astrology, reading the
palm, and others. In addition many people also
depend on the daily horoscope provided by one of
the reliable astrologers in print, electronic
media, or in the web world. For interested
clients it would be necessary understanding the
best way of having astrological predictions and
other services. In consequence it would be
expedient learning about the features of
different types of astrological methods including
the palm reading among others.
4Things to Know About Palm Reading
- Palmistry or the ancient art of palm reading
originated in India and subsequently its practice
covered many other oriental countries. Later, the
method also gained momentum in ancient Greece and
other European countries. The core concept in
using the system was elaborated by Aristotle who
said that lines are not written in human hands
without reason. During the 19th century the use
of palmistry also spread in advanced economies
like USA and UK among others. Many leading
astrologers as well as astrological sites offer
predictions relating to past, present, and future
of the clients based on palm reading that is the
art of studying the lines marked on the clients
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