Title: Chemical Pregnancy Symptoms and Causes
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2Chemical Pregnancy Symptoms and Causes
Early Miscarriage Due to a Chemical Pregnancy
Kids are one of lifes greatest blessings they
fill the house with love and laughter bringing an
unsolicited joy into their parents lives. But
whether you are a newly-wed or just trying to get
pregnant, you may experience a positive pregnancy
test followed shortly by a negative one. This
experience is known as chemical pregnancy. It is
a hard experience that can leave you feeling
overwhelmed with negative thoughts, however let
us explain to you what does it actually means.
3What is a Chemical Pregnancy?
Chemical or biochemical pregnancy is a type of
early miscarriage in which hormones are detected
early in the pregnancy but a gestational sac is
not visible on the ultrasound yet. This type of
early miscarriage happens before the fifth week
of pregnancy. HCG or human chorionic
gonadotropin levels, the pregnancy hormone, can
be detected by a pregnancy test as early as 2
weeks but a gestational sac is not visible before
the sixth week hence the name chemical
pregnancy. Chemical pregnancies are only
increasing in statistics as new pregnancy tests
can detect hCG very early so it is becoming more
4How Long Does a Chemical Pregnancy Last?
A chemical pregnancy occurs shortly after
implantation, two to three weeks after your last
period and can last for up to 5 weeks. It can be
missed if you are not trying to get pregnant and
taking a pregnancy test monthly as it only causes
a short delay in your next period and a light
blood implantation bleeding which can be confused
for mid-cycle spotting. Pregnancy
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5What Causes a Chemical Pregnancy? A chemical
pregnancy like any other miscarriage is usually
caused by an abnormal egg or sperm. Chromosomal
abnormalities are the leading cause of
miscarriage this means either the number of
chromosomes is decreased or increased or the
structure of the chromosome is abnormal. These
chromosomal abnormalities usually mean that the
fetus cannot sustain a healthy life so it is
expelled by the uterus. Another reason may be
deficient hormonal level. An increased level of
progesterone is needed to maintain a successful
pregnancy and if the body cannot secrete enough
hormones, early miscarriage will occur. Uterine
abnormalities as fibroids, polyps, or
irregularities in lining can prevent successful
implantation leading to early fetus loss. Also,
women with a lower BMI have a higher rate of
early miscarriage as well as older women who are
above the age of 35.
6How High is hCG in a Chemical Pregnancy?
Human chorionic gonadotropin HCG is the
pregnancy hormone that indicates that you are
pregnant hence the name chemical pregnancy as it
is named by the way it is diagnosed. It can be
detected in either blood by visiting your doctor
to withdraw blood or urine by pregnancy
tests. The level of hCG that indicates a
pregnancy starts from 5 mIU/mL but more
importantly is the rise in the hormonal
level. Once a baseline is set, the human
chorionic gonadotropin hormone is supposed to
double each two to three days so that it can
sustain a successful pregnancy. In chemical
pregnancy either the hormone level doesnt rise
steadily, remains constant, or even decreases
indicating early miscarriage.
7Is Chemical Pregnancy a Real Pregnancy? A
chemical pregnancy is a true pregnancy as it
involves the fusion of an egg and a sperm.
Chemical pregnancies encounter 75 of all
miscarriages and 25 of pregnancies end in early
miscarriage. The occurrence of a chemical
pregnancy means that successful fertilization and
implantation have been achieved and a normal
pregnancy can occur as soon as 2 months
later. Statistics also show that if a chemical
pregnancy occurs after an IVF, the rates of a
successful next IVF increase by 34.
8Chemical Pregnancy or Implantation Bleeding
Whats the Difference?
Implantation bleeding which is one of the early
pregnancy symptoms which occurs 10 to 14 days
after fertilization as the embryo attaches itself
to the uterine wall causing damage of a few blood
vessels which causes faint bleeding that is light
pink or brownish in color. It is usually
painless and very small in amount that it can
pass unnoticed. Chemical pregnancy bleeding,
however, occurs one to two weeks after a positive
pregnancy test. This is usually shortly before
or a week after your normal next period. It is
associated with pain similar to menstrual cramps
and may contain some tissue that can be noticed
within the normal blood flow. The bleeding is
usually heavier than normal as the body is
expelling the content of miscarriage. It may also
be accompanied by a strong odor.
9First Period After a Chemical Pregnancy
You should expect your next period within six
weeks after the miscarriage. This is the time
needed by your body to recover from the
miscarriage to the pre-pregnancy hormonal
state. Your first period will not be different
from your normal period in quantity or pain or
the duration it lasts, however some women may
experience a heavier or a lighter bleeding and
that is completely normal. Since a chemical
pregnancy does not affect fertility, you can get
pregnant on your first period if you are trying.
10How to Prevent a Chemical Pregnancy?
- Since chemical pregnancies usually occur due to
chromosomal abnormalities, there is not much to
do about genetics. You should know that this is
not your fault at all but there are a few tips to
do that proved helpful in preventing the
reoccurrence. - Eating healthy and regular exercise can help
sustain your upcoming pregnancy as they improve
body functions including hormonal secretion. - Taking prenatal vitamins like iron supplements
and folic acid also can help maintain your
pregnancy. Avoid smoking or alcohol as they
affect fetal development. - If you have been diagnosed with PCOS or have
menstrual irregularities, you may benefit from
hormonal support guided by your doctors
supervision. - Assisted reproductive techniques as IVF can be
helpful as well as they make sure that the
implanted embryo is healthy.
11How to Treat a Chemical Pregnancy?
There is no specific treatment needed after a
chemical pregnancy. In most cases, a chemical
pregnancy may be missed as it ends too early
before causing any pregnancy symptoms as nausea
or vomiting. One thing you can do is visit your
doctor to make sure there is no treatable cause
as PCOS or a uterine abnormality. However, what
is more important is to recover from the
experience of miscarriage. Miscarriage is a
difficult experience to go through but always
remember that it is neither your or your
partners fault and there is nothing that you
could have done to prevent this from happening.
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Give your body the time it needs to recover.
Always remember to stay around family and friends
to help make you feel better and pull you through.