Title: The Economy Involved in Developing a Food Delivery App
2People are switching to on-demand apps that
provide reliable, convenient, and
affordable doorstep services. On-demand food
delivery apps can provide you assured ROI and
are gaining popularity in the market. Ever
wondered how much does it cost to develop a food
delivery app? Are you planning to enter this
flourishing delivery services market? This blog
will provide you insights on the development cost
of a food delivery app.
3Factors that influence the development of On-
demand App
Certain key factors contribute to the
development cost of an app. They are, The
technology required to develop the app can
consume a major portion of the development
cost. It is the user interface that determines
the accessibility of the app. The more complex
the UI, the more development cost incurred to
develop the app. To visualize how your app should
work, it takes a certain amount of development
costing. You need to identify the functionality
of your app and validate it with an app
developer. This is a major development stage. App
testing makes the app bug-free and enable a
seamless workflow.
4Cost Involved in the Development of a Food
Delivery app
The initial stage in the development of the app
is to design the user interface. A user-friendly
UI/UX attracts more users towards the app. It
takes around 50-70 hours to design the UI/UX.
Front-end and back-end development is a major
development stage. Front-end development is
usually called the client end of app
development. This development involves different
projects like creating a website, organizing the
color layout, etc. Back-end development is
usually the server end of app development.
Managing databases and servers is a primary
responsibility here. On average, it takes around
400-500 hours for this stage. Technical
documentation usually takes around 50 hours for
development. This development stage varies
according to your interests and budget. Usually,
app testing takes about 70-80 hours.
5Developer Rates per hour in Various Countries
You can get India-based developers for a
development cost of 10-80 per
hour. Europe-based developers usually charge
around 50-150 per hour. In the US, you can get
developers at a cost of 100-250 per hour.
6The food delivery services market is proving to
be highly profitable.
- However, the development of a food delivery app
may cost you anywhere around 20,000 - 30,000.
To prevent this major investment, there are
clone apps available instantly in the market.
You neednt worry about app development.
Moreover, you can customize the app according to
your needs. An UberEats clone in the market
costs you only 1999.
7Get in Touch
WEBSITE https//www.appdupe.com/ubereats-clone-scr
ipt/ EMAIL ADDRESS info_at_appdupe.com PHONE
NUMBER 91 97 91 101817