Title: POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
1POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
2POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Assignment 1 The Cold War and U.S.
Diplomacy (New Syllabus, 2 Papers) For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers Select a president
from the table, Presidents and Their
Doctrines, in Roskin, Chapter 4. Then write a
3-5 page pape
3POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Assignment 2 Current Events and U.S.
Diplomacy (2 Papers) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Assignment 2 Current
Events and U.S. Diplomacy Due Week 9 and worth
175 points
4POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com POL 300 Assignment 1
The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy (New Syllabus, 2
Papers) POL 300 Assignment 2 Current Events and
U.S. Diplomacy (2 Papers) POL 300 Week 1
Discussion Idealism vs. Realism in International
5POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 1 Discussion Idealism vs. Realism in
International Politics For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Idealism vs. Realism
in International Politics a Please respond to the
followingRoskin and Berry allude to the
tendency toward idealism in international
politics before WWII ended in 1945, but the
tendency toward realism after that year.
6POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 1 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 The
first great age of balance-of-power is said to
have begun with the Question 2 The
isolationist nations in the interwar period
were Question 3 All but the __________ empire
collapsed in World War I
7POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 1-10 All DQs For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com POL 300 Week 1
Discussion Idealism vs. Realism in International
Politics POL 300 Week 2 Discussion America in
Vietnam POL 300 Week 3 Discussion The Collapse of
the Soviet Union POL 300 Week 4 Discussion The
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
8POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 2 Discussion America in Vietnam For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "America
in Vietnam" Please respond to the
followingThe Vietnam War was a
counterinsurgency that involved us in guerilla
warfare that was similar, in some ways, to what
we face in Afghanistan today. But the way the
Vietnam War was conducted was considered to
9POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 2 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 Hearst
and Pulitzer fanned citizen interest in the
Question 2 The U.S. got Florida from
__________, Oregon from __________, and
California from __________.
10POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 3 Discussion The Collapse of the
Soviet Union For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Please respond to the followingRoskin discusses
three theories about causes of the collapse of
the Soviet Union.
11POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 3 DQ 1 Should the United States Lead
the World For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com Discussion 1 Week 3 Should the United
States Lead the World?" Please respond to the
following In your opinion, should the United
States lead the world? Why or why not?
12POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 3 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 Graham
Allison used the __________ to show that
_________. Question 2 In 1952, Frank L.
Klingberg predicted that the U.
13POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 4 Discussion The Israeli-Palestinian
Conflict For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om POL 300 Discussion week 4 2. The
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Please respond to
the following For thousands of years, up
to the 20th century, the land of Palestine was
14POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 4 DQ 1 Legacies of Colonialism For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussi
on 1 Week 4 "Legacies of Colonialism" Please
respond to the following Distinguish what
benefits, if any, there were in colonialism? Give
examples. If there were no benefits, explain this
15POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 4 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 Rhodesia
declared its independence from Britain
in Question 2 Portugal rounded Africa
in Question 3 The worst death toll since World
War II was in
16POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 5 Discussion Egypt, Libya and Syria
in Turmoil For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Egypt, Libya and Syria in Turmoil Please
respond to the following Explain the causes of
the turmoil in Egypt, Libya and Syria. Elaborate
on at least two perspectives on the situation.
17POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 5 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 In 1990
Iraq had ___________ warfare capability. Questio
n 2 The Shah fell in Question 3 Probably the
biggest factor ending the 1980-88 war between
Iran and Irag was
18POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 6 Discussion Turning to a Market
Economy For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m Turning to a Market Economy Please respond
to the following
19POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 6 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 Europe
in the Middle Ages was ______________ the Arab
and Chinese empires. Question 2 ___________
culture is especially resistant to modern values.
20POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 7 Discussion National Security For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com National
Security Select any two of the four basic
strategies used to preserve security.
21POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 7 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 The
Ottoman Turks took Constantinople in Question 2
Unlike arms control, disarmament aims to
22POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 8 Discussion Coping with
Terrorism For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com "Coping with Terrorism" Please respond to
the following Is the United States making
progress in reducing or preventing terrorism?
Explain your answer.
23POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 8 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 Saudi
Arabia was founded on an alliance between the
House of Saud and the ____________ brand of
Islam. Question 2 Huntington calls a country
pulled between a modernizing elite and
traditional masses a ___________ country.
24POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 9 Discussion The Rise of China For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com POL 300
Week 9 Discussion "The Rise of China" Please
respond to the following Describe the
principal effects of Chinas increasing
prosperity on U.S./China relations.
25POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 9 DQ 1 Divorcing America For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussion 1
Week 9 "Divorcing America" Please respond to
the following Elaborate on what the textbook
authors mean when they say that most European
countries have divorced America. Explain the
main reasons Europe has withdrawn from a c
26POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 9 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 Europe's
birth rate is Question 2 A ___________ is
looser than a ___________. Question 3 By the
1990s West Europe had become a single Question
4 _______________ are the newest EU members.
27POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 10 Discussion Globalization For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Globalizatio
n" Please respond to the following Globalization
deals with the interaction and integration of
people, companies, and governments of different
nations. This process is driven by international
trade and investment and aided by information
28POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 10 Discussion International Law For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com POL 300
Discussion "International Law" Please
respond to the following Propose why the
United States is not on board with all of the
29POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 10 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1 The
principal source of international laws
is Question 2 Returning good for good and evil
for evil is the basis of Question 3 "R2P"
stands for
30POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
POL 300 Week 11 DQ 1 Current Events For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussion 1
Week 11 "Current Events" Please respond to the
following Discuss a recent international event
that intrigues you and speculate what might
happen next. Using the events you speculated
about abo
31POL 300 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com