COVID 19 Product Details - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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COVID 19 Product Details


Check out the different safety products that is helping us to fight the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: COVID 19 Product Details

One of the Best COVID 19 Products Supplier in
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What is COVID 19?
  • COVID 19 is the Official name given to a newly
    discovered virus 2019 Novel Coronavirus
  • Its an infectious disease, spreads from person
    to person
  • It was first discovered in Dec 2019 in Wuhan,
  • Since then, it has spread to 212 countries
  • Millions infected and lakhs of people lost their
  • Worldwide tracker - https//
  • As on 13 May 2020 worldwide 43,42,354 infected
    2,92,893 dead 16,02,443 recovered
  • Indian Tracker - https//
  • As on 13 May 2020 in India 74,292 infected
    2,415 dead 24,453 recovered

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What is COVID 19 Safety Products?
  • The products which help us in protecting
    ourselves from the deadly COVID 19, we can call
    them COVID 19 Safety products. For example
  • PPE kits
  • Face mask
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disinfectants etc
  • Health care workers are the frontline warriors,
    who are always working day and night tirelessly
    risking their life in saving the COVID 19
    infected patients
  • This workers require PPE kits to perform their
    duty, without PPE kit or low quality, they are
    exposed to the virus
  • The Government of India has imposed lockdown in
    the country to prevent the further spread of the
  • The leaders, officers, police forces, other
    security personnels and many other workers/NGOs
    are working very hard to maintain this lockdown
    and help all the needy people
  • They all need to wear a face mask, wash hands/use
    sanitizer frequently,

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List of COVID 19 Safety Products!
  1. PPE kits
  2. Face Mask
  3. Hand Sanitizer
  4. Face Shield
  5. Disinfectants
  6. Hand Gloves
  7. Infrared Thermometer
  8. Automated Sanitizer Dispenser
  9. Fogger Machine for Surface Disinfection
  10. Eco-friendly Biodegradable Bags
  11. Pet Sanitizer

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PPE Kits
  • PPE kit with taping

PPE kit without taping
What is the PPE kit? PPE stands for Personal
Protective Equipment. It's a garment that covers
the complete body.  PPE kit includes
headgear/cover, face mask, face shield, hand
gloves, shoe cover, body cover, hazard disposal
bag. So see, it's a complete body covering
protective suits.  It is designed mainly for
health care workers or any other person who may
get infected while working/treating the  infected
For COVID 19 product details, Visit -
Face Mask
  • KN 95 Mask

3 Ply Mask
Why is Face Mask Required for COVID
19? Coronavirus is an infectious disease. It
spreads from person to person via small droplets
from a person's nose or mouth. When the COVID 19
infected person speaks, coughs, or sneezes, the
droplets from his/her mouth will spread infecting
the nearby person. That's why we need to wear a
face mask for coronavirus. When we wear the mask,
the infected person, when speaks, sneezes, or
coughs, their droplets will not spread and will
not infect the others. In the same way, people
will protect themselves from infecting as the
droplets from the infected person will not reach
their faces. 
N95 Mask
2 Ply Mask
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Hand Sanitizer
  • AGME Hand Sanitizer

Globus Instant Hand Sanitizer
Why is Hand Sanitizer Required for COVID 19? As
per Wikipedia, Sanitizer is a liquid, gel, or
foam generally used to decrease infectious agents
on the hands. Since we can't wash hands with soap
and water at every place, hand sanitizer is used
as a replacement.  In the case of COVID 19, we
need to wash our hands frequently, reason. When
the Coronavirus infected person speaks, coughs,
or sneezes, the droplets from his/her mouth will
fall in the ground/surfaces he/she is currently
at. And if we come in contact with that droplets,
there is a high chance we may get
infected. That's why we need to wash our hands
frequently, use hand sanitizer always if you are
in public places. It will reduce the chance of
virus transmission.
Hand Sanitizer Sachet
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Face Shield
Why is Face Shield Required for COVID 19? As per
Wikipedia, A face shield, an item of personal
protective equipment, aims to protect the
wearer's entire face from hazards such as flying
objects and road debris, chemical splashes, or
potentially infectious materials.  In the case
of COVID 19, wearing an only face mask is not
100 safe. Although for the public, just wearing
a mask may be okay but for the health
workers/authorized personnel, who are screening
people to identify infected ones or someone who
is treating them from a very close distance, may
get exposed. Because the face mask covers only
the mouth and nose, other face portions are
exposed. That's why Face shield should be used
whenever possible for 100 safety.
  • V-COMBAT Face Shield

STUDDS Face Shield
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Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfectant Liquid
Why do we use Disinfectant? A disinfectant is a
chemical liquid/agent that destroys
microorganisms on the inert surfaces. Like I
mentioned before, in COVID 19 case, when the
virus falls in the inert surfaces or any other
places from the infected ones, the virus stays
active for certain hours or days basis on the
type of surfaces. Now to kill this virus, we
regularly need to disinfectant those places.
All disinfectant doesn't work in case of
Coronavirus there are specific ones with the
right chemical mixtures, which, when used, may be
able to kill it.
Sterile 6 H202 (Pack of 60)
Sterile Hydrogen Peroxide Bottle Disinfectant
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Hand Gloves

Wearing Hand Gloves to Avoid COVID 19? Since
COVID 19 is an infectious disease, health workers
should wear hand gloves while treating the
infected ones. Even while screening to detect the
infected ones, it should be used. When you touch
the infected ones, the virus will be in gloves
rather than the hand, the gloves you can later
dispose of it. So it will prevent virus
transmission. Gloves already come with the PPE
kit, but since only selected health workers will
be using the PPE kit, you will need to buy the
hand gloves only. Generally, the public
shouldn't wear it in public places if they do
wear, they will need to dispose of it properly.
Otherwise, it will become a virus carrier and
infect others.
Latex Gloves
Surgical Sterile Latex gloves
Nitrile Gloves
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Infrared Thermometer

How does IR Thermometer help in Detecting COVID
19? Infrared Thermometer is a gun-type
contactless infrared thermometer, and it's used
to detect the body temperature. After COVID 19
pandemic, the IR thermometer is used everywhere,
be it airport, railway stations, malls, cinema
halls, offices, some other gathering, etc.
Whenever the high temperature is detected
during screening, he/she will be isolated for
further consultation with the doctor. High
temperature generally means the fever, and fever
is one of the symptoms of COVID 19, but that
doesn't mean he/she may be infected, but there is
a chance. So using the IR thermometer may be
able to detect and isolate, thus preventing the
spread of the virus to other people. In many
cases, it also gives a false reading it depends
on the quality of the product and how trained the
administer is. However, still, Infrared
Thermometer is highly in demand everywhere.
Contactless Infrared Thermometer
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Automated Sanitizer Dispenser

Automated Sanitizer Dispenser - Role in Combating
COVID 19? Well, by now, you all know why we are
using the hand sanitizer. There is a little
crazy problem we may encounter while using the
hand sanitizer, assume there is a COVID 19 virus
in your hand, you pick up sanitizer bottle and
wash your hands. Now, the virus in your hand may
have been killed, now the scary part here is when
you touched the sanitizer bottle, the virus has
may spread to the bottle, which again can infect
you later or the other who may come in contact
with the bottle. You will have to find a way
to solve this. In some places like Office, malls,
Airports, etc. you can install Automatic
sanitizer dispenser. Since the automatic is
contactless, there is very little chance of
viruses getting spread.
Contactless Automated Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
For COVID 19 product details, Visit -
Fogger Machine for Surface Disinfection

Disinfection Atomizer/ Fogger Machine COVID
19? We already discussed what disinfectant is
and how we are using it to fight the COVID 19.
Now, what is this disinfection atomizer or fogger
machine? So the disinfects we talked earlier
were meant for cleaning the inert surfaces, means
which is not generally movable like floors,
walls, table, chair, windows etc. Now, what about
movable things like cars, buses, flights, trains,
surrounding area bench, small trees, etc should
also be disinfected to spread the spreading of
the virus. For such, we can use the Fogger
machine, though there are may big machines for
bigger things, for small use like cars, buses,
offices etc., you can use the handheld fogger
Handheld Disinfection Atomizer/ Fogger Machine
for Surface Disinfection
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Ecofriendly Biodegradable Bags
Ecofriendly Biodegradable Bags COVID 19? We
all know how bad plastic is for the environment.
Plastic is non-biodegradable, damaging our
environment to a vast extent with many other
disadvantages.  Many countries have banned the
plastic usage. But with the coronavirus pandemic,
many people have re-started using plastic bags
because people are worried that reusable bags
could spread the virus. Well, during this deadly
COVID 19, we should be extra careful in
everything, and it's right that reusable bags
should be handled with extra care, as they could
be carriers of the disease.  To reduce the
plastic bag usage and to fight the COVID 19, many
governments and companies have started producing
Eco-friendly biodegradable bags, which can be
used one-time and disposed of. Both health care
workers and the public can use this.  

Ecofriendly Biodegradable Bags
For COVID 19 product details, Visit -
Pet Sanitizer

Pet Sanitizer Take care of your pets during
COVID 19? Like we are taking care of ourselves
and our near and dear ones, it's also equally
important to take care of our pets. During these
testing times, we shouldn't abandon them. Since
the COVID 19 is infectious diseases, it's not
limited to the only person to person
transmission. Though the actual origin is not yet
confirmed, one source says that it got a transfer
from Animal to people and vice versa, too, is
possible. In India itself, the tiger was tested
positive COVID 19, and it was sure, the tiger
got it from a human. So pets too can get infected
from the coronavirus, and they can later spread
to the owner and the family. Also, you may not
want to lose your lovely pets. So take
precautions, use the special pet sanitizer to
wash them when required, and keep them safe as
well as the family members.
Pet Sanitizer
For COVID 19 product details, Visit -

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friends. And please do visit our website at
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