Title: Journey to The Prashar Lake
Home ? BLOG ? Journey To The Floating Island
A Trip To Prashar Lake
Journey to The Floating Island A trip to
Prashar Lake
? homelessbackpacker ? May 3, 2020 ? 0
wish to live. I am an avid trekker who loves
trekking, travelling, exploring and perceive new
adventures along the path. My words may not be
able to express my experiences, but I am happy
in sharing them in any way possible. Bounded by
the society, monetary constraints, momentary
relationships, attaining sanity, we totally
forget that somewhere lies the truth of
existence. Having no money to travel,
stubbornness to reach somewhere, hiking with
unknowns, sitting with humble nomads, I just
felt like sharing how powerful I feel in the
wild. The core spirit comes out of the new
experiences. Amigos gear up. Would hate to think
of a man like you trapped in cage.
It was mid summers. Sun was bright, almost
blinding. Trapped in sweltering days and
dehydrated body, I was too lazy to get out of my
home. With no plans to go anywhere, I called my
cousin at my place for a sleep over. We were
revisiting childhood by looking at our old
photographs. Some embarrassing, some funny but
mostly joyful. We were so lost in the childhood
pictures that I dont remember how much time we
must have spent laughing on those.
Suddenly I got a call from my friend, he asked us
out. So from a dull evening, this was surely
turning into an eventful one.
We sneaked out carefully around 12 a.m, went to
North Campus and met two more friends. We were
mocking each other, cracking jokes until our
stomachs gave up laughing. From there on, we
left for a drive, no nowhere but just following
the night breeze. And trust me, when we boys meet
3we talk just random. We discuss from sweat in the
arm pits, break ups (of course) to nicknaming
lizard on our wall.
The drive was smooth, rarely any traffic on roads
which is rare if you have seen this part of
Delhi. With Bollywood music in the background,
we were driving through beautiful roads of North
Campus. One road connects to the other in a way
that it feels like you have stepped into a
different locality altogether. In the morning
you see students rush around walking in groups,
cycling, practically hijacking entire Kamla
Nagar but in the night you see the real beauty of
these streets where friends walk out of their
hostels for Sutta and Chai. You only hear
laughter around.
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Out of nowhere, one of the friends sitting in the
car who never stepped out of the city uttered
three words, Pahad pe chale? Thats it,
pindrop silence. The smile on our faces was the
We booked the tickets early morning, got ready
with our bagpacks and boarded a bus at night
around 9 p.m. One of the four backed out, of
course, no plan is a plan without this happening.
But with zeal to explore, three of us were ready
with our kits packed to climb The Prashar Lake
It was a full night journey, we were wide awake
and active. None of us slept or even closed the
eyes for a nap. Entire night we kept talking
with fellow passengers, listened to their stories
shared our experiences and never realised when
the sun came out. We reached Mandi around 7 AM.
It was surprisingly still cold in summers. In
this chill, it dawned upon us that in excitement
we forgot the basic of all, A Route Map to
Prashar Lake ! We, naive of all, were completely
unaware of the transport facility in hills so
asked people at the bus stop about how to reach
to Bagi. That one name we remembered thankfully.
We were told that we have taken the wrong route
and now have to go back a few miles.Not a good
start, this is not the adventure we planned now !
But you cant blame anyone, we never planned or
read about it properly. So there was no point
being angry. Though the excitement came down a
bit. We were not driving ourselves that a U-turn
would have saved time. We were travelling on a
bus, and they have a time schedule. Never felt so
wasted in life. Sigh !
4Its always a good idea to think with your stomach
full. And thats what we did. Sipping a cup of
tea and drooling over Maggi (you cannot not do
this in mountains) we were sitting at a tea stall
and exactly there we found our saviour, a bus
conductor. He patiently listened to our flop plan
but alas showed us the right way. He corrected
our pronunciation to call the place as Buggee
and guided us the route to Prashar Lake but also
helped us in locating the bus going to Baggi. Now
this is the most beautiful thing about Himachal,
people genuinely care.
It took us approximately 3 hours to reach
Baggi(Buggee) via Kataula which was just 60 kms
May 2020
Well, the bus stopped. The dropping point was not
alluring. Is it the right place? This question
was still nudging my brain. The flood had
devastated the whole place. We were completely
unaware of the news. (The bridge was broken from
the starting point itself). We found two small
shops open. We enquired the owner about the
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It was already 2.30 pm and we had no plans to
look back. Call it adrenaline or madness or anger
that we were real stupid people. We also got to
know from him that a few people trekked there and
are stuck at the lake now since they were unable
to come back. We could see the trekking trail to
Prashar Lake from that shop. In our hearts we
wanted to go, of course we wanted to go. What is
adventure without risk after all? But on second
thoughts, we knew this could be inviting trouble.
We could see it in front of us.
We thought for sometime and decided to climb it.
Unexpectedly, a vehicle came and stopped by, it
was a champion carrying vegetables and other
essential commodities to go to the mountain. We
were observing how they will set the way for a
vehicle as big to pass.
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Local lads started looking for the options
available, we also kept our luggage at the shop
and searched for ways to help them. We borrowed
metal sheets from the nearby construction site
and set them for the champion so it could cross
the bridge. And it worked! Driver of the champion
happily called us and offered us a lift. We were
late for trekking and couldnt miss this chance
and the three gypsies were all set for an
adventurous roller coaster drive. I chose to sit
on the roof. Clean Roads, lush green trees, fresh
wind, flooded pits, sharp turns brought some
pain in my bumps but that experience was to be
beheld. It just took 30 minutes to reach the
destination. We thanked the driver who did not
take a penny from us he was genuinely a humble
person. We wished each other and proceeded our
own ways.
5After walking about 100 meters in a beautiful
small village we reached the temple. It was
already evening by then. We kept our bags down,
tired we laid down for on the beautiful green
grass which almost felt like a puffy carpet for
a few minutes.
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The temple was an old three storied pagoda
shaped building. Pandit ji saw us from a
distance and called us inside, he greeted us
very affectionately. We offered our prayers to
the deity and Pandit Ji gave us Prasad to
eat. The interior of temple was capped with a
roof of slate tiles and had a wealth of wood
carvings and which looked like as if it was
giving us some message through the words
engraved in it.
Parashar Rishi Temple On seeing our curious
expressions, Pandit Ji narrated us the history of
this temple. It took King Ban Sen 12 years to
complete the temple construction. It was
constructed in the 14th century with deodar tree
wood and was dedicated to Sage Parashar (Father
of Vedvyas). It was already dark by now, we were
so tired that we couldnt move a leg anymore. We
had to decide a place where we could place our
camp and spend the night. Just adjacent to temple
there was a small daily needs shop from where we
bought biscuits and some chocolates for the
night. Thats all we could manage for dinner.
Alongside temple, there lay the scenic Prashar
lake but we preferred to go next morning. We met
the caretaker of temple and asked him where we
can set our camps. He looked at us in amusement,
instead gave us an option to go inside the temple
and stay in any room we want.
6Woah!!! Really?? What else one could have asked
at this moment. The moment he gave us the keys
we rushed towards the rooms. Our room was just
next to a group of French trekkers. They got
stuck back there because of the flood. We took a
nap for 2 hours and then went upstairs to a small
kitchen restaurant for the dinner. Almost entire
village was closed because of the tragic
incident. The night was quiet and calm. We sat
there with the fellow trekkers, listened to their
survival stories, shared our journey, later went
to our rooms and slept. The sun came out at 5
AM, so did our alarms. We were out of our
sleeping bags after a peaceful night sleep. It
was freezing outside. We got ready for the
Parashar Lake, the beauty we came to see all the
way. Prashar Lake is situated at height of 2730
mt. Surrounded with Dhauladhar ranges and sloppy
meadows, this lake gives you the feel of heaven.
The floating island in the lake keeps on
revolving and changes its position in different
seasons which is quite unique. The lake depth is
unclear as of now, not a single diver could
determine it so far. But you need special
permission for a dive as its a fenced lake and
you cant just jump inside for fun. Every year
there is a festival in which Saints/Sadhus/Rishis
from all over the country come here and meditate
on the little island. There is still a descendant
of Prashar family who is taking care of that
stick with which Sage Prashar struck the deep
hole in the lake and he can be approached at the
nearby peak. It is also said the level of lake
remains the same, constant, even in heavy
monsoons. We further trekked to the top of
valley which was more like walking on the
clouds. On the trek we found some bones,
probably wild animals, black mushrooms ( they
look beautiful ) and cows ! ( You find them
everywhere). There came a point just after
climbing for 20 minutes, at the top, where we
sat for almost 3-4 hours in silence, meditating.
7Black mushrooms In that time we realized that
the beauty of nature that you see around, it
cannot be expressed in discussions. It can only
be felt, experienced, be grateful and thankful
for. Untouched, unexplored, hidden away from
human greed. It heals you, makes you but never
breaks you. It speaks a language of love,
compassion and never of hate. The nature is
mother to every single living being on this
planet, not just humans who have barred their
territories. Those few hours of silence and
admiration, decoded a lot inside. We went to the
top seeking adventure, we trekked down as
obliged. A day well spent in the valley, we were
back at the temple roaming on lush green grass
without shoes. We had dinner with the French
group and planned for the next day together. We
woke up at 6 AM sharp next morning. All of us got
our breakfast packed and trekked to the Tunga
Mata temple. The trek follows the charming trails
through a dense forest. There wasnt any
designed route at that time. So for help, we took
a local village person along. We started at 10 AM
and It took us 4 hours to reach the temple. We
were there for a good number of hours listening
to the folk tales and admiring the architecture
of the temple and scenic views around. We sat,
talked, clicked photographs and continuously
lived every single moment we breathed. We
reached back around 6 pm and spent the evening
laid on silent green capped peaks, gazing at
8We left next morning after saying goodbye to
Panditji and the caretaker. The group also
trekked down with us till Baagee. We said
goodbyes one more time and went our separate
way.A visit to Prashar Lake was a perfect blend
of a spiritual journey and exploration of the
serene Himalayan Range Hey.. Hope my blog has
inspired you to put away that packet of chips and
plan a trip. Check out ITINERARY FOR PRASHAR
LAKE and PHOTOGRAPHS for your reference. Stay
Strong Stay Stoked!!! 0
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