Title: Lisa Trifiletti - Provides Consultation in Time Management
1Lisa Trifiletti
Principal at Trifiletti Consulting, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Lisa Trifiletti is a distinguished professional
and she is accredited for her significant
management abilities that has allowed her to
manage diverse and great staff.
4Lisa Trifiletti is renowned for her remarkable
role in managing LAX West Aircraft Maintenance
Area Project LAX Runway Safety Area Improvement
Projects LAX Supplemental Use District
application for outdoor advertising rights LAX
Midfield Satellite Concourse Project and Prop O
Stormwater Facility.
5Trifiletti Consulting is renowned for offering
strategic land use, entitlement, real estate,
environmental, transportation, and project. It
provides consulting to private sector developers,
civic organizations infrastructure firms and
business associations.
6Lisa Trifiletti established an all-encompassing
remarkable planning, public outreach,
environmental/legal investigation, entitlement
and letting developments for all capital and
infrastructure development projects at Los
Angeles International Airport (LAX), Ontario
Airport, Van Nuys Airport and Palmdale land
7Lisa Trifiletti has brilliant accomplishments and
services to her credit at Los Angeles World
Airports (LAWA), LAX as a Deputy Executive
Director, Chief Sustainability Office Director of
Environmental and Land Use Planning.
To know more about her visit her official site