Title: Remote Patient Monitoring Opportunities for Physicians
1- Remote Patient Monitoring Opportunities for
2Remote Patient Monitoring Opportunities for
Increased adoption and importance of Remote
patient monitoring (RPM) during the coronavirus
crisis in physicians community. In short RPM is
use a digital technology to capture and monitor
patients health data electronically. This
transmit the patient information to their
providers for assessment, instruction and
recommendation. RPM used to store wide range of
patient data, including blood pressure, weight,
blood sugar level, and heart rate. Remote
Patient Monitoring RPM is a method of healthcare
delivery that uses the advanced information
technology to gather patient data outside of
traditional healthcare settings. Remote patient
management is about moving more healthcare out
of the traditional setting, into the house and
where people live, work and play every day,
explains Marcus Grindstaff, COO of Care
Innovations. Smartphones and tablets are widely
used today around the world across all age
groups. This comfort level with technology
increase engagement level with patient.
Physicians can improve quality care by using RPM
system. Does Medicare cover remote patient
monitoring? RPM involves the understanding of
medical information without direct interaction
between the physician and the patient. Its alike
physician interaction of a radiological image.
Medicare pays for RPM services like they pay in
the condition as in-person physicians service,
there are not additional requirement.
Medical Billing Services in Oregon
3Remote Patient Monitoring Opportunities for
RPM not expressly required to use interaction
audio and video. CMS has not defined any
statement as to which technologies can be used to
perform remote consultations. It can be anything
from real time videos with patient to a message
sent through patient portal. How do you bill for
remote patient monitoring? CPT code 99091 The
unbundling of CPT code 99091 is being heralded as
an encouraging move toward widespread
implementation of remote patient management. The
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 99091
as maintained by American Medical Association, is
a medical procedural code under the range
Digitally Stored Data and Remote Physiologic
Monitoring Services. CPT code 99091 Collection
and interpretation of physiologic data (e.g.,
ECG, blood pressure, glucose monitoring)
digitally stored and/or transmitted by the
patient and/or caregiver to the physician or
other qualified health care professional,
qualified by education, training, licensure/
regulation (when applicable) requiring a minimum
of 30 minutes of time, each 30 days) New CPT
codes for RPM CPT code 99453
Medical Billing Services in Oregon
4Remote Patient Monitoring Opportunities for
Remote monitoring of physiologic parameter(s)
(e.g., weight, blood pressure, pulse oximetry,
respiratory flow rate), initial set-up and
patient education on use of equipment. (Initial
set-up and patient education of monitoring
equipment) CPT code 99454 Device(s) supply with
daily recording(s) or programmed alert(s)
transmission, each 30 days. (Initial collection,
transmission, and report/summary services to the
clinician managing the patient) CPT code
99457 Remote physiologic monitoring treatment
management services, 20 minutes or more of
clinical staff/physician/other qualified health
care professional time in a calendar month
requiring interactive communication with the
patient/caregiver during the month.
(Interpretation of the received data and
interaction with patient on a treatment plan by a
clinician) Remote patient monitoring is not only
payable by Medicare, but also 23 state Medicaid
programs (as of June 2020, according to the
Center for Connected Health Policy). In addition,
numerous commercial payers cover remote patient
monitoring within their telehealth coverage
policies (with some caveats). Furthermore, the
COVID-19 Telehealth Program established by the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) includes
remote patient monitoring.
Medical Billing Services in Oregon
5Remote Patient Monitoring Opportunities for
We have experienced and trained staff, which has
experienced worked with physicians who work on
RPM services. If you are looking to outsource
your billing services then feel free to get in
touch with us.
Medical Billing Services in Oregon