Title: James Silcox Coast Guard - Military Officer
1James Silcox Coast Guard
Military Officer
2James Silcox Coast Guard has worked in a number
of positions with the U.S. Coast Guard including
as the Commanding Officer of a ship and a
Tactical Team Leader.
3 James Silcox Coast Guard is a former officer of
the United States Coast Guard. He held many
different roles with the Coast Guard including
the Operations Officer of a medium endurance
cutter. As an operations officer, James Silcox
was tasked with supervising, training, and
certifying 35 law enforcement and deck watch
officers. This was one of many positions he held.
4 James Silcox Coast Guard spent around 20 years
of his life leading complex maritime law
operations all around the world. James Silcox has
recently graduated the Saint Thomas School of Law
in Miami, Florida, and is a member of the Florida
5 As the team leader of the tactical law
enforcement team, James Silcox Coast
Guard delivered expert legal analysis during
dynamic operations with foreign nations as well
as the United States Department of State.
7Thank You