Title: Dealing with Addiction During the Lockdown of COVID-19
1Dealing with Addiction During the Lockdown of
2Life in Lockdown
This invisible monster has invaded every region
of the globe. The more that scientists learn
about this novel coronavirus, the scarier it
gets. While almost everyone has a fear of getting
sick from the coronavirus or being affected by
the economic slowdown, people who struggle with
alcohol addiction have even more concerns.
3Virtual Meetings for Addiction
Virtual meetings can be an essential part of
staying connected and not socially isolating
yourself. Video meetings will help you to stay
connected. In addition to AA and NA and other
12-step groups, there are non-12-step groups as
well. Dealing with addiction during lockdown is
easier with online support in this situation.
4Telemedicine and Telepsychology
If you are home, struggling to recover from
addiction, you may want to consider scheduling a
telemedicine visit with your doctor to discuss
medical treatment options. Also, you can set up
online appointments with a psychologist and an
addiction coach. Telehealth sessions or alcohol
recovery podcast can be used to treat addiction
in coronavirus lockdown.
5What You Should Not Do During the Coronavirus
Glamorizing alcohol and drinking during lockdown
is not helpful. Do not give in to drinking during
lockdown. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs is
never the answer. Going back into active
addiction never solved any problem.
6What You Can Do During the Lockdown
Netflix Binging
Take A Nap
Eat Healthy Foods
Read Further- Dealing with Addiction During
7You Can Make the Best of Coronavirus Lockdown
Look for recovery support meetings online and
connect with people who can inspire you and
motivate you to be successful in your recovery.
You can make the best of the lockdown and come
out of it free of alcohol and drugs.
8Getting Prepared to Be Addiction Free? Contact Us!
(954) 776-6226