Title: CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
1CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
2CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Homework 1 Solution (100 Correct) For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Homework 1 Solution Introduction to
Problem Solving and Algorithm Design Using the
above Code of Ethics, Pick at least 2 of the 8
principles and describe what these principles
mean to you. In your write-up, summarize the
principles you selected in your own words and
3CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Homework 2 Test Case Creation Using the
following pseudocode (100 Correct) For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com Ho
mework 2 Test Case Creation Using the following
pseudocode, provide 3 unique test cases that
would help validate your algorithm. Be sure to
place the test cases in a table showing the input
4CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Homework 3 (100 Correct) For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com Cr
eate your own unique While-End or (For End)
repetition C code. You decide the theme. Be sure
to provide an overview of what your repetition
structure is doing. Please keep the design simple
for this exercise. Just a few lines of code is
all that is needed for this response. This should
be code you wrote for an applicatio
5CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Homework 4 Create your own Function
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.
com Create your own function in C that
accepts one input parameter and returns a float
number. You decide the theme. You should provide
both your C code and an example call to the C
code function. Be sure to provide an overview of
what your function is doing.
6CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 1 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 1 Hands-On Lab This hands-on lab demonstrate
a simple sequential print statements using an
online C compiler such as ideone.com. You should
follow the instructions to complete the lab as
well as perform the learning exercises at the end
of this lab.
7CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 2 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 2 Hands-On Lab Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program including
the program description, analysis, test plan,
design, and implementation with C code. Program
8CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 3 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 3 Hands-On Lab Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program including
the program description, analysis, test plan,
design, pseudocode visualization, and
implementation with C code. The example provided
uses mathematical operators and variable types.
9CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 4 Hands on Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Hands-On Lab Week 4 Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program including
the program description, analysis, test plan,
design (using pseudocode), and implementation
10CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 5 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 5 Hands-On Lab Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program including
the program description, analysis, test plan,
design (using pseudocode), and implementation
with C code. The example provided uses
sequential, selection and repetition statements.
11CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 6 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 6 Hands-On Lab Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program including
the program description, analysis, test plan,
design and implementation with C code. The
example provided uses sequential, repetition
statements and nested repetition statements.
12CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 7 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 7 Hands-On Lab Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program
13CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com
CMIS 102 Week 8 Hands-On Lab For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com CMIS 102
Week 8 Hands-On Lab Overview This hands-on lab
allows you to follow and experiment with the
critical steps of developing a program including
the program description, Analysis, Design(program
design, pseudocode), Test Plan, and
implementation with C code. The example provided
uses sequential, repetition, selection
statements, functions, strings, and arrays.
14CMIS 102 Education System/newtonhelp.com