Title: Carpet Cleaning Brisbane
1Best Methods of Carpet Cleaning
The best method of cleaning carpets is usually
steam cleaning, which removes over 90 of dirt
and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning
carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets
are ready for foot traffic as quickly as
In many cases, shampooing carpeting is necessary
for floors that are stained or heavily soiled.
2cleaning is preferable when the carpeting is
generally filthy without major stains.
Regular annual or bi-annual cleaning keeps it
looking and smelling fresh while extending its
life span. Hiring a carpet cleaning professional
provides the best results for about the same
cost as purchasing a shampooer and doing it
yourself. Contact Us Cleaning Mate Brisbane PO
Box number 2106, Kelvin Grove, QLD-4059 Cleaning
Mate Brisbane Phone 07 3195 8444 Mobile 0435
214 073