Title: Gynecological Cancers | Prevention and Treatment
1Gynaecological Cancers Prevention and Treatment
2In Pakistan Gynaecological cancers contribute
12-15 of all cancers. Common types of
Gynaecological cancers include Cervical, Ovarian
and Uterine.
3General Symptoms of Gynaecological Cancers
- Vaginal bleeding that is not menstrual bleeding
- Post-menopausal bleeding
- Itching, swelling, and pain in pelvic area
- Abdominal distention and pain
4Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Prevention
- Blood spots or light bleeding between or
following periods. - Menstrual bleeding that is longer and heavier
than usual. - Bleeding after intercourse, douching, or a pelvic
examination. - Increased vaginal discharge.
- Pain during sexual intercourse.
- Bleeding after menopause.
- Unexplained, persistent pelvic and/or back pain.
5Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Prevention
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal distention or bloating
- Early satiety, weight loss
- and / or any change in urinary or bowel habits
6Uterine Cancer Symptoms and Prevention
- Vaginal bleeding after one year of menopause
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding in premenopausal woman
- Vaginal discharge
- Abdominal pain
7Treatment Options for Gynaecological Cancers
- Treatment options may include surgery, radiation
therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy,
and/or other biologic agents. If Gynaecological
cancers are diagnosed at a stage when it is
localized, treatment can be curative and patients
can live a long time.
8Facilities Available at AKUH for Screening, Early
Diagnosis and Treatment
- Dedicated clinics by Gynecology-Oncology experts
- Hysteroscopy for the detection of Endometrial
cancer - Pap smear and HPV tests
- Colposcopy for the treatment of Cervical Cancer
- Minimal access surgery for early-stage
Endometrial Cancer
9To see more details, visit this link