Title: How A Lead-Acid Car Battery Works
1How A Lead-Acid Car Battery Works
2If your car battery UK is failing, youll notice
one immediate effect your vehicle wont start as
easily as it should. Thats because the battery
provides electrical energy to the starter motor
to get the engine turning over.
3But how? The answer lies in how to compare car
battery brands are constructed. In a lead-acid
battery, which many vehicles have, there are
positive and negative electrodes. The positive
electrodes contain lead oxide plates which sit in
an electrolyte, in this case, sulphuric acid and
distilled water.
4Theres also a positive grid, which both holds
the active material and collects electrical
current. Thats constructed from a lead alloy.
The negative plates within the negative
electrodes are made of pure lead, and the
negative grid also holds the active material and
acts as a current collector.
5When you start the cars ignition, it sparks a
reaction between the four main materials lead,
sulphur, hydrogen, and oxygen that converts
chemical energy to electrical energy.
6The batteries for cars then uses this not only to
start your engine but also to power the vehicles
lights and other electrical accessories. These
are also negatively affected if your battery is
starting to fail.