Title: Remote Sensing Applications
1Remote Sensing Applications in Land Cover
Geospatial Information Science Research Center
(GISRC), Faculty of Engineering, Universiti
Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor
Darul Ehsan. Malaysia.
21. Remote Sensing Data
3Remote Sensing Images
- Landsat
- Spot
- Ikonos
4Landsat ETM Image
The Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM) is a
multispectral scanning radiometer that is carried
on board the Landsat 7 satellite. The sensor has
provided continuous coverage since July 1999,
with a 16-day repeat cycle.
Spatial resolution 30 meters for band 1-5, and 7
5Landsat 7 and E-Spectrum
6Landsat ETM imagery in Ohio
- Through OHIOVIEW program LANDSAT-7 data
available free of charge, to all but the
corporate world, within 48 hours of the satellite
passing over state - OhioLink purchases images
- Image must have 30 or less cloud cover
- Access www.ohioview.org and http//www.ohiolink.ed
7Landsat ETM imagery
8Landsat ETM imagery Example
Landsat 7 Path 19/Row 32, September 2, 2002
9Landsat ETM imagery Example
Landsat 7 Path 19/Row 32 August 14, 2001
10SPOT Imagery
The is a multispectral scanning radiometer that
is carried on board the Ariane 4 satellite. The
sensor has provided continuous coverage with a
26-day repeat cycle.
Spatial resolution Spot 5 10 meter Spot 1-4 20
11SPOT and E-Spectrum
12SPOT Imagery
- State purchased SPOT 2000/2001 coverage for the
entire state - Available free of charge from OGRIP
- 3 CDs available upon request
13SPOT Imagery
Image Year
14SPOT 4 Image Example
Spot 10 meter pan image (Northwest Columbus)
15Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads (DOQQ)
- State covered by digital orthophoto quarter
quadrangles under the USGS NAAP program in 1993/9
time period -- 3084 DOQQs - A DOQQ is an aerial photograph with camera and
terrain distortions removed - 1 meter pixel resolution
16DOQQ Availability
- Available U.S. Geological Survey
- USGS distributes in native format
- Meets National Map Accuracy Standards at 112,000
(/- 33 feet) - UTM Base on NAD 83
- File size approx 45 mb
17Ohio DOQQ availability
- http//www.state.oh.us/DAS/dcs/Gis/doqq/index.htm
- GIS Service Bureau distributes in enhanced format
- Uses MrSid compression
- Output is on State Plane Coordinate Base
- File size approx 2mb
18DOQQ Example
(1 meter resolution) NW Columbus
19IKONOS Image
Ikonos, launched on September 24th 1999, is the
first commercial high-resolution satellite,
collecting 1-meter panchromatic and 4-metre
multi-spectral imagery.
Spectral Range1-meter black-and-white
(panchromatic) 0.45 - 0.90 mm. 4-meter
multispectral Blue 0.45 - 0.52 mmGreen 0.51 -
0.60 mmRed 0.63 - 0.70mmNear IR 0.76 - 0.85
20IKONOS Availability
- Not publicly available
- IKONOS imagery is expensive 32 per km2.
21IKONOS Image of Ohio State University
22National Gap Analysis Program
Geographical Approaches to Planning
Supported by Biological Resources Division,
United States Geological Survey
National Gap Analysis Program http//www.gap.uida
23National GAP -Objective
- Objective keep common species common
- Methods
- identify those species and plant communities that
are not adequately represented in existing
conservation lands. - give land managers, planners, scientists, and
policy makers the information they need to make
better-informed decisions when identifying
priority areas for conservation - Advantage
- Gap Analysis is superior to a species-by-species
approach because it identifies and protects
regions rich in habitat, therefore the animal
species that inhabit them can be adequately
24National GAP - Status
25GAP Background
The land cover map for Ohio is generated as part
of the Gap Analysis project (GAP). This is the
fourth of a planned five years of activities.
26Objective of -GAP
- 1. Map the existing land cover of the state using
current standards specified in the Gap Analysis
Program handbook. - Produce maps showing the predicted distributions
of each indigenous bird, mammal, reptile, and
amphibian species of the state - Map the ownership of all public lands and private
conservation lands - Categorize all lands according to the GAP
management status categories.
27Priorities Areas
28ODNR Priorities Areas
29Land Cover Map Major Steps
- Photo acquisition
- Photo backup
- Photo geo-referencing
- Unsupervised classification of TM images
- Field work
- Supervised vegetation classification of TM images
- Quality evaluation
- Vector map generation
30Photo Acquisition- Image Characteristics
- Camera Used Nikon D1 X
- Average Ground Level Flying Height 1200m
- Pixel resolution 3000 x 1800
- Dimension of Pixel 0.3636 x 0.3673 sq.m
31Photo Acquisition
Wrong Focal Length
33Photo Acquisition
Over 60,000 digital aerial photographs in flight
lines 4 kilometers apart, approximately 1 foot
34Photo Acquisition -Status
35Photo Backup
- All photographs obtained are saved onto a DVD
recordable disc in their native format (NEF) - Each DVD holds up to 4.7 GB of space where nearly
550 images can be stored - Presently we have about 25,654 images to date,
out of which 6,700 images have been stored in 12
36Photo Backup
A single DVD looks similar to a CD and can store
at least 4.7 gigabytes GB) of data, which equals
over 7 CDs.
37Photo Backup Internet access
Digital aerial photographs will be available at
ohioupclose.cfm.ohio-state.edu But not finish yet
38Photo Geo-Referencing
- Major Steps ( For each DVD containing images)
- Photographs obtained are in Nikon NEF Format
- ERDAS Imagine does not read photographs in the
NEF format - The Nikon Image Capture 2.0 software is used to
convert the Nikon raw data (NEF format) to TIFF
39Photo Geo-Referencing
4. Geo-referencing of the photographic images
are done using ERDAS Imagine software, using
DOQQs as the reference images 5. Program created
at Center for Mapping called GPS Converter
obtains the time and GPS co-ordinates of the
image from the Nikon raw data 6. Each TIFF
image and its corresponding data file is stored
in the server for easy access for geo-processing
40Photo Geo-Referencing Status
- Direction Correction
- Flight direction is either from east to west or
the opposite direction. Thus, a counter-clockwise
/ clockwise rotation is performed using ERDAS
Imagine geometric correction function
Photograph Rotation
41Geo-Referenced Photographs
Galloway , Northwest DOQQ
42Unsupervised Classification
- Major Steps (1)
- Define a priority area
- Import Landsat ETM images to ERDAS Image
- Put images into a mosaic for the priority area
- Evaluate cloud cover and replace heavily clouded
areas with additional data - Perform principal component (PC) analysis on both
leaf-on and leaf-off images - Group the first three PCs of leaf-on and leaf-off
images into a layered image with 6 bands
43Unsupervised Classification
- Major Steps (2)
- 7. Classify urban area with supervised
classification with three classes urban,
vegetation and soil, and water - 8. Perform another supervised classification
but for the delineated urban areas with three
classes high density, low density, and others. - 9. Cross out urban areas and put the class
others back to the PC image for future
classification - 10. Digitize cloudy areas using screening
digitizing - 11. Obtain additional data for these cloudy areas
- 12. Perform unsupervised classification on the PC
image with 60 classes
44Unsupervised Classification Example
Priority Area1
45Unsupervised Classification Example
step 2 Import ETM images (leaf-off)
46Unsupervised Classification Example
Step 3 Put images into a mosaic
Leaf-on image
Step 4 replace heavily clouded areas with
additional data
47Unsupervised Classification Example
Step 5 Perform principal component (PC)
First three PCs for leaf-on image
First three PCs for leaf-off image
Step 6 Group first three PCs of leaf-on and
leaf-off images
Layer stacked image with first three PCs of
leaf-on and leaf-off images
48Unsupervised Classification Example
Step 7. Classify urban area with supervised
PC image for urban area
49Unsupervised Classification Example
High density
Low density
Step 8. Classified high and low density urban
High density
Low density
50Unsupervised Classification Example
Step 9. Cross out urban areas from the PC image
Step 10. Digitize cloudy areas using screening
Entire image with cloud digitized
Example of cloudy areas
51Unsupervised Classification Example
Step 10. PC image after removing urban and clouds
Step 11. Obtain additional data for cloudy areas
52Unsupervised Classification Example
Step 12. Perform unsupervised classification on
the PC image
53Field Work Status
54Field Work -Prior to Field Trip
- 1. Identify area of interest
- 2. Within the area of interest, sort through
digital photos taken during flight and identify
photos with the following - a) Large areas of Vegetation, for example,
forested, wetland, or grassland - b) Easily accessible field areas
- c) Notable Landmarks such as, homes, fences,
roads - d) Varying vegetation (not all field areas
should look alike) - Print out photos on Color printer
- Mark the GPS coordinates of the photos in the
field areas in a MapSource document
55Field Work -Prior to Field Trip
- 5. Double check to ensure your field areas are
randomly spread out within the area of interest - 6. Create routes with the routing tool in
MapSource - 7. Download both the maps and the waypoints into
the GPS by connecting the GPS to the computer
(ensure the GPS is in the GARMIN mode not the
NMEA mode). - 8. Print out zoomed in maps of MapSource of the
Area of Interest. - 9. Print out Field Sheets and bring any and all
vegetation books needed to aid in the
identification process.
56Field Work in the field
- Go to the field areas by finding the waypoint of
the image desired using the GPS instrument. This
will ensure that you are in the right field area.
- Locate your exact field area by noting specific
landmarks in the photo. - Fill out the field sheet noting diagnostic and
dominant species in the area. To do this, it may
be helpful to make notes directly on the photo. - Take at least three waypoints for each field area
if possible.
57Supervised Vegetation Classification
- Perform a Supervised Classification with the
LANDSAT images to the Alliance level of the
United States National Vegetation Classification
(USNVC) and define signatures for the relevant
alliances by using the mosaicked digital photos
and DOQQ's as reference. - Use the library of digital photos developed from
previous ground-truthing to aid in the aerial
photo interpretation. - Evaluate signatures created and delete, rename,
or merge with other signatures from previous
images. - Run the Supervised Classification for the entire
58Supervised Vegetation Classification
59Supervised Vegetation Classification
60Supervised Vegetation Classification
Raster format
61Vector Map Generation
Vector format ESRI Arc/Info Coverage