Title: Guard Tracking System - Novagems
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2Guard Tracking System The need of the hour
Modern workforce management software boosts
functionality and control in security guard
operation management. Novagems is the best Guard
Tracking System to administer security services
and track guard movement.
3Novagems The Best Security Guard Software
A powerful workforce management tool, Novagems is
made to offer a one stop solution for security
operations. The security guard patrol tracking
system allows users to track, monitor and record
the movement of security guards at the clients
premises and boost accountability and performance.
4Modern Way To Track Security Guard Patrol
- Security guard software allows a unique way to
monitor guard patrols and ensure that schedules
are duly followed. Novagems security guard
security software features - GPS Tracking system
- Geo Fencing technology
- Backend management
- Shift create and open
- Scheduling
- Report generation
- Client portal
5Contact us www.novage.ms