Title: Brisbane Dedicated Server (1)
1(/) Dedicated Server in Brisbane Choose
Dedicated Server fr m(moailutorsaBlese_at_hoststiDng
eultdrasioc.caomt) ed Server in Brisbane ata
Center Get Lowest Latency Rate When our Dedicated
Server in Brisbane Customer Visit Your M ion
Critical Application (https//hostingultraso.com/w
o D
Y iss
Server Location
Intel Xeon E3-1241 v3 3.5 GHz 4 cores
Hard Drive
2 1 TB (HDD SATA) or 2 240 GB (SSD SATA)
32 GB DDR3
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/brisbane-aus
Server Location
Intel Xeon E5-2660 2.2 GHz 8 cores
Hard Drive
1 2 TB (HDD SATA) and 2 500 GB (SSD SATA)
64 GB DDR3
466.20 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/bris
2Server Location
Intel Xeon E5-2660 2.2 GHz 8 cores
Hard Drive
2 1 TB (SSD SA
64 GB DDR3
538.20 See Details (/dedi
Server Location
2 x Intel Xeon E5-2620 2.00GHz
Hard Drive
2x 1000 GB
16 GB
1,269.00 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/br
Server Location
2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.50GHz
Hard Drive
4x 1000 GB
32 GB
1,474.20 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/br
3Server Location
2 x Intel Xeon E5-2650 2.00GHz
Hard Drive
4x 1000 GB
32 GB
1,899.00 See Details (/dedi
Dedicated Server in Brisbane
s S
Why choose Dedicated
If a business wants to be more flexible and
adaptable, dedicated servers are for them.
Compared to shared servers these class of servers
provides more fluidity and stability to your
business website. You should choose dedicated
servers if you want to have dependable,
customized and secure websites for your
business. Business and Technology in
Brisbane Brisbane is the capital and the most
populous city in the state of Queensland,
Australia. Some of the top technology companies
such as Queensland Motorways, Suncorp Group, and
Queensland Energy Resources have set up their
ofkces in the city. To use the 5G network
services one must have 5G network access and a 5G
ready phone. Telstra is offering 5G network
access for the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, the OPPO
Reno 5G, and the LG V50 ThinQ. The
companyÃÂÂs 5G coverage is limited to certain
areas including Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, and
Brisbane. All the dedicated servers in Brisbane
can be tailored-made based on the needs. The data
center in Brisbane is stocked with 24x7 services
from the technical staff, billing team, and sales
executives. The premises also have tight
security with regular CCTV checks, functional
alarm systems, and video surveillance. There is
keycard access to the center as well. Why choose
Dedicated Servers in Brisbane? For any business
in Brisbane that is getting increased trafkc to
the business site, a dedicated server hosting
within the city will probably be ideal. Even if
the business is outside of Brisbane but most of
the clients or trafkc the website receives comes
from that city, a dedicated server hosting from
Brisbane will help the website have the ideal
4This is why Hosting Ultraso can be the right kt
since we provide you dedicated servers in 119
cities including Brisbane in Australia. When your
clients from Brisbane visit your website, we at
Hosting Ultraso will provide you the lowest
latency rate. Our servers and dedicated hosting
services are effective, efkcient, and one of the
best in the market. If you take a
dedicated hosting service from us, we provide you
several conk tions of servers based on your needs.
gura ban
(mailtosales_at_hostingultraso.com) e Top Data
Center or you need a bunch of o provide service
to your customers, we have a
Note that whether you need one dedicated server
from our Bris servers to build your own cloud
server or content delivery netw solution for you.
ork t O
What are the types of perating System provided?
s o
H o s t i n g U l t r a s o p r o v i d e s v a r
i o u s t y p e f o p e r a t i n g s y s t e m
s a n d y o u
c a n c h o o s e b a s e d o n w h a t y o u w
a n t t o h a v e . T h e s e i n c l u d e
CentOS Cent OS
A free and community-supported computing
platform, CentOS is a Linux distribution platform.
This distribution platform is compatible with
RHEL ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
Ubuntu Ubuntu
Another open source and free Linux distribution
platform is Ubuntu. This platform is based on
Debian Debian
Yet another open-source platform that belongs to
the family of Linux is Debian. It is also known
as Debian GNU.
Fedora Fedora
5Developed and supported by the Fedora Project
community is Fedora which is also a
Linux distribution platform.
Free BSD Free BSD (mailtosales_at_hostingultraso.com
) A Unix-like platform originated from the
Berkeley Software Distribution ( BSD) is a Free
BSD. (https//hostingultraso.com/webform/contact-f
orm) Windows Windows Se r
(tel0013234129457) ther are branded as Windows
All the operating systems that Windows provides t
Note that this doesnÃÂÂt include any other
Windows products. It only includes the operating
systems. What are the types of Dedicated Servers
in Brisbane available? Hosting Ultraso provides
six conkgurations of dedicated servers in
Brisbane that can be custom-tailored as
desired. Brisbane Dedicated Server We provide
you powerfully-built and sturdy Intel Xeon
processors. The type of hard drives, bandwidth,
and RAM you receive depends on the availability
and your needs. Five types of processors are
provided Xeon E3-1241, Xeon E5-2660, Intel Xeon
E5-2620, Xeon E5-2640, and Xeon E5-2650. The
RAMs you receive include 16 GB, 32 GB, 32 GB
DDR3, and 64 GB DDR3. The bandwidth varies
between 1 Gbps 4 TB and 2 TB. Various sets of
hard drives are available including 1 TB (HDD
SATA), 240 GB (SSD SATA), 2 TB (HDD SATA), 500 GB
(SSD SATA), 1 TB (SSD SATA), and 1000 GB, . An
additional IP address will be provided to you by
us (for extra IPs please contact us). Also, we
donÃÂÂt charge any extra fees for setup. This
is an unmanaged dedicated server. Hence you have
to self maintain and self operate it
throughout. The server location is in the city of
Brisbane, Australia. Some times the dedicated
servers are in high demand. So, you may have to
pay us for the backorder so that we can provide
you access whenever its available. What are the
Benefits of Having a Dedicated Server in
Brisbane from Hosting Ultraso?
6We at Hosting Ultraso provide one of the most
affordable and dependable dedicated servers. We
also have long- lasting clients and repeat
customers. Choosing a dedicated server in
Brisbane from Hosting Ultraso for your customers
can have a considerable effect on your growing
business. Here are some of the benekts of having
a dedicated server from us
ess for your site. An IP address is a unique
Additional IP You get an extra IP address or
Internet Protocol a address that every active
site has.
Managed Dedicated Server Both basic and advanced
management services are provided to you for your
dedicated servers when you take those services
from us.
Money-Back Guarantee We provide you a money-back
guarant not satisked with our service. Bitcoin
Payment We accept all types of payments
including Bit 24/7 Support Our management team
will always be actively pr at any point in time.
ee o coin
. ing you and your business the support you need
IPMI Access Our dedicated servers come with IPMI
(Intelligent Platform Management
Interface). Operating System You get to choose
from a wide range of operating systems based on
your requirements and your knowledge. All in
all, if most of your clients and the related
trafkc are from Brisbane, irrespective of whether
your business is in the city or not, you can
choose one of our dedicated servers to provide
the best possible service to your clients.
1 323 412 9457 (tel0013234129457) Give us a
Call sales_at_hostingultraso.com (mailtosales_at_hosti
ngultraso.com) Send us Message Live Chat
ault) Get all the information (https//tawk.to/cha
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