Title: Three Great Tourist Attractions in Belize
1Three Great Tourist Attractions in Belize
Belize is the largest capital city of Honduras
situated at the mouth of the Haulover Creek. It
is the principal port and an important hub for
trade and commerce. It was initially the capital
city of Honduras founded in 1638 as Belize Town.
Some of the most popular attractions in Belize
include Caye Caulker, the Great Blue Hole,
Xunantunich, etc.
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3Caye Caulker Caye Caulker is a small limestone
coral island and is one of the most beautiful
islands. Caye Caulker is home to 2000 people and
is accessible via a high-speed water taxi. The
island is notable for its turquoise water,
gigantic caves, shallow lagoons, and beautiful
reefs. It is one of the best places for swimming,
snorkeling, underwater cave exploring,
windsurfing, fishing, and enjoying endless water
4The Great Blue Hole The Great Blue Hole is a
giant marine sinkhole located off the coast of
Belize, next to the center of Lighthouse Reef, 70
km away from the mainland and Belize City. The
is 318m long and 124 m deep, it was formed during
several episodes of quaternary glaciation. The
formation of the Great Blue Holes is estimated to
have been formed at least 15,000 years. The Great
Blue Hole forms part f the Belize Barrier Reef
System and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
5Xunantunich Xunantunich is an ancient Maya site
located in Western Belize, Cayo District. This
site sits atop of the Mopan River and serves as
Maya civic ceremonial center in the Late and
Terminal Classic periods. The first modern
exploration was done in the mid-1890s by Thomas
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