Title: Mini Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas
1Mini Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas!
2Flock The Tree
The Christmas trees available at the dollar store
are cute and surely worth buying. You must admit
there are bit forlorn looking when you first
unbox it. So, to give it a nice look, the
Christmas tree ornament is necessary. You can
add flocking spray, and it isnt different from
spray painting. If your can of flocking has been
left unused, you can use it for painting the tree
and allow it to dry for several hours. Do it the
night you buy it so it gets time to dry before
decorate it.
3Paint The Bucket
If you want to get the perfect look for
Christmas, you need to paint the bucket, too. You
can spray paint it to match your ornaments. Spray
paint it matching it with your decorations and
more. Opt for aqua colors and more. Looks
amazing, though!
4Cut The Floral Foam
If you want to add lights into the bucket, you
surely need foam. The mini battery operated
lights have a battery pack to fit the bucket. Cut
the floral foam in half with scissors. You can
also use a knife if you want to. Ensure it is cut
properly. Be careful and dont rush.
5Wrap Lights
Carefully wrap the lights around the Christmas
tree. Choose lights that are brighter than the
color of the tree you have painted. You can use
multiple lights to match your theme if you have
any for Christmas. Play with lights and give it a
nice look.
6Remove Tree Bottom
You must start by removing the tree stand. Next,
unscrew the plastic piece thats at the bottom of
the tree and remove it carefully. Ensure that you
dont damage the tree while doing it or break any
of its parts. Never allow children to do it and
always take assistance if you need any. Next,
insert the tree into the foam carefully. And you
are done!
7Hang Tinsel
Christmas tree ornament selection isnt complete
without hanging the tinsel. Choose red, green and
golden tinsels to decorate your Christmas tree.
Ensure the golden ones are towards the bottom
rather than the upper branches. Choose the tinsel
in different colors.
8Add A Star
You cannot complete decorating your Christmas
tree without adding stars. In this case, you can
choose a large star to add at the top of the tree
or you can hang them all around. It looks cute
and obviously enhances the trees appearance.
Golden stars are more popular. Add a mini start
on top or small ones, as you wish.
9Thank You
For more details visit https//dollar-king.net/se