Title: Swatantra Prabhat Hindi Newspaper Lucknow
1Swatantra Prabhat Hindi Newspaper
Website - https//www.swatantraprabhat.com/
Email - info_at_swatantraprabhat.com Address -
B-1/118, Sector-K, Aliganj Lucknow
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3About Us
- Swatantra Prabhat is the newspaper of Hindi, the
outstanding language of India. It was established
in 2009 from Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh.
This newspaper left the Hindi newspapers of Uttar
Pradesh behind overnight due to its impeccable
and honest news editing. It has several versions.
This newspaper is circulated in almost all
districts of Uttar Pradesh. Along with this,
independent Prabhat has registered his name among
the readers in the best newspapers of Hindi
touching millions of hearts through e-paper
online in different states of the country.
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5Swatantra Prabhat E-paper
You can read daily Swatantra Prabhat e-paper
Click on Link -
- https//epaper.swatantraprabhat.com/
6Social Media
Facebook - https//www.facebook.com/swatantraprabh
atmedia Twitter- https//twitter.com/swatantrame
dia LinkedIn - https//www.linkedin.com/in/swat
antra-prabhat-a30a3a13/ Instagram -
len YouTube - https//www.youtube.com/channel
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8Website - https//www.swatantraprabhat.com/
Email - info_at_swatantraprabhat.com Address -
B-1/118, Sector-K, Aliganj Lucknow
Submitted By Dainik Swatantra Prabhat