Title: askdr2 (1)
Responsibilities of a
As a patient or Attendant, you are Responsible
The care that you receive as a patient also
depends very much on your active participation.
As healthcare professionals and caregivers, we
solemnly believe that you and your family should
2aid us in promoting the safe delivery of care to
help you. Here are a few of the responsibilities
that need to be followed Providing the
right information When you walk-in, you are
responsible for providing the right and complete
information including present concerns, family
history, past illnesses, medications, allergies,
previous surgeries, allergies, and other matters
relating to your health. Ask Relevant
Questions You are responsible for asking the
right and relevant questions if you are unable to
understand your treatment plan, outcome,
complications and other options of treatment.
Following instructions You should be
responsible and follow the instructions, care,
service, or treatment plan as suggested. It would
be best if you also express any concerns that you
might have about your ability to comply with the
proposed course of action. Accepting Results
You should be well aware of the consequences if
you do not follow the planned, prescribed and
instructed care. Following Facility Rules
and Regulations You should responsibly follow
the hospital's provisions and regulations that
concern the patient care and conduct.
Showing Respect and Thoughtfulness Please be
thoughtful of the hospital's personnel and
property and show respect. Meet Fnancial
Commitments You should promptly comply with all
the necessary financial obligations that were
agreed with the facility for better care.
Punctuality For booking appointments, being on
time for all the appointments, and informing your
doctor/hospital if you cannot meet them at that
specific appointment timing which will save your
and the health care providers time.
Information Providing complete information,
including your full name, mobile number, address,
date of birth, and other personal particulars is
very much essential for data storage and avoiding
any issues with patient identification.
3 Active Participation Do participate
actively in your medical treatment plan and keep
your health caregivers informed about how you
feel and that would be possible to identify any
deviation/ complication at the earliest.
Respect and Courtesy You have to treat all
hospital staff, other patients and visitors with
enough respect and courtesy. Also, be considerate
of your noise levels, the privacy of others and
comply with the No Smoking policy in
hospitals. Refrain Patients should ask the
doctors about what they can do to prevent further
transmission of their disease if it is a
transmissible one .They should be aware of how to
behave and refrain from any unreasonable
behaviour that can affect the health of others.
Signing On The Consent Forms Understand all
the instructions mentioned before signing on the
consent forms and do not hesitate to clarify any
queries before signing the consent forms.
Healthy Lifestyle Patients should recognise
that they should inculcate a healthy lifestyle to
prevent or mitigate illness. They should also
take responsibility to follow various preventive
measures and adopt a healthy lifestyle to stay
better. Refrain from disrupting the clinical
setting and violence against any health care
providers as it will attract penalty and
imprisonment( Upto 10 lakhs of penalty and 10
years of imprisonment). Stay Away From
Fraudulent Activities Patients should not
knowingly initiate or even participate in any
medical fraud.
Report Patients should report illegal or any
sort of unethical behaviour of physicians or any
other healthcare professionals to the appropriate
medical boards, and law enforcement authorities
so that they can take proper action.