Title: Waste Paper Cutting Machine - Tara Machine
2About us
TARA Machines and Tech Services Private Limited
is promoted by TARA, Society for Technology and
Action for Rural Advancement a social enterprise
of the Development Alternatives Group. The
company was incorporated on the 05th of March,
2008. The business managed by Dr. Arun Kumar.
3Waste Paper Recycling Machine
Tara machines offer a diverse range of waste
paper recycling machine. Our machines come with
new and latest specifications and we are the
first choice of many customers. We provide
machines like -waste paper recycling plant and
paper cutting machine, automatic waste paper
machines, and many more at very affordable prices.
4Paper Making Machine Manufacturers
We at Tara machines is a leading paper making
machine manufacturers in India, we only believe
in the quality of services and we provide latest
technology machines to our customers, we are a
highly suggested and known brand in the market.
We have a huge experience and progress in making
the machine that can give the best quality
5Contact Us