Title: Scentsy Cozy Cardgan
1Scentsy Cozy Cardigan Feel the comfort of Cozy
2This comforting fragrance feels like a night in.
Enjoy the bedded bliss layers of soft suede,
blushing rose and amber silk. Cozy Cardigan
is available in over twelve fragrance product
offerings including. Cozy Cardigan Scentsy Bar
Cozy Cardigan Scent Circle Cozy Cardigan Scentsy
Car Bar
3Cozy Cardigan Scentsy Bar
Add this medley of wax and fragrance to a
Scentsy Warmer to experience multilayered scent
that unfolds beautifully over time. Feels like
A night in. Find bedded bliss in layers of soft
suede, blushing rose and amber silk.
4Cozy Cardigan Scent Circle
Cozy Cardian Scent circles is a flat, circular
disk with an elasticated string making it easy
to attach it to well, pretty much anything. Here
you feel likes A night in. Find bedded bliss in
layers of soft suede, blushing rose and amber
5Cozy Cardigan Scentsy Car Bar
It is Perfect for quick jaunts and long
journeys. Includes a ribbon for hanging thats
embellished with both the fragrance name and its
own unique pattern. Find bedded bliss in layers
of soft suede, blushing rose and amber
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