Know about Consumer Protection Act - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Know about Consumer Protection Act


An Act to provide for protection of the interests of consumers and for the said purpose, to establish authorities for timely and effective administration and settlement of consumers – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Know about Consumer Protection Act

Consumer Protection Act, Objectives, Purpose and
Rights and Duties
  • The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (CPA 1986)
    was enacted on the principle of caveat emptor or
    let the buyer beware. However, the digital
    transformation has profoundly impacted the
    consumer habits, changing the ways in which
    consumers interact with each other, and the
    marketplace. Through the Consumer Protection Act,
    2019 (CPA 2019), the prevalent consumer laws
    have been overhauled. The codification of certain
    statutory rights applicable to all consumers
    vis-a-vis the quality, quantity, prices,
    information about the product, etc is a testament
    to the objectives sought from CPA 2019.

Objectives of Consumer Protection Act
  • 1. To Provide better and all round protection to
  • 2. To Provide machinery for the speedy redressal
    of the grievances.
  • 3. To Create framework for consumers to seek
  • 4. To Provide rights to consumers.
  • 5. To Safeguard rights of Consumers.

Purpose of the Consumer Protection Act
  • The purpose of the Consumer Protection Act is to
    prevent consumers from being exploited and
    harmed. The new Consumer Protection Act protects
    consumer rights in South Africa and highlights
    what consumers are entitled to, as well as the
    responsibility of suppliers of goods and

Rights and Duties of a Consumer
  • The Consumer Protection Act has recognised six
    rights of a consumer which are
  • Right to Safety
  • Right to Information
  • Right to Choose
  • Right to be heard
  • Right to Redressal
  • Right to Consumer Education

Who Can File a Complaint?
  • According to sec-2(1)(b) a complainant can be a
    person who is
  • A consumer
  • Any voluntary consumer association registered
    under the Companies Act of 1956 or under any
    other law for the time being in force, or
  • The Central Government or any State Government,
    who or which makes a complaint, or
  • One or more consumers, where there is more than
    one consumer they shall have the same interest
    for filing a collective complaint, or
  • In the case of death of a consumer, his legal
    heir or representative who or which makes a

  • The Consumer Protection Act has proved to be a
    helping hand to the consumers and protected them
    from being exploited in the hands of huge
    companies and famous traders. The traders and the
    firms are still working on how to make huge
    profits and one of the ways is by exploiting the
    consumer. Corresponding to this the Legislature
    and the Judiciary are making amendments in the
    act from time to time but the consumer himself
    needs to be careful and aware of the people in
    the market.
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