Title: Rancho Santa Margarita Mobile Auto Detailing CA
1Rancho Santa Margarita Mobile Auto Detailing CA
Lightning Auto, Boat RV Detail is a mobile
detailing business located in Orange County, CA
since November of 1989, and is owned and operated
by Paul Burner. We cover ALL of the Orange County
area as well as most of Los Angeles, Riverside
and San Diego Counties, and soon to be in Lake
Havasu City, AZ.
http//www.lightningdetail.com/ https//www.google
2Our Complete Detail contains all of the combined
components of a Car Wash, Interior Detail ,
Exterior Detail, and Engine Detail. Our Complete
Detail is a complete and thorough Detail.
3We expertly service ALL of the following
vehicles Cars, trucks, boats, RVs, 5th wheel
trailers, travel trailers, toyhaulers, big rig
trucks and trailers, motorcycles, golf carts,
charter bus, and much, much more!! "We do it ALL,
and we come to YOU!
4Can you imagine how hard it was to detail without
leaving swirl marks from the buffer? As you can
see we made her shine like a brand new dime, and
swirl free. You can even see the color of the
grass and flowers in the reflection!
5The above photos are of a 1999 19' Chaparral
boat. The boat's bottom, and all the way up to
the water line had a very thick algae stain it
looked like rust. It was a hell of a struggle,
but we were successful in removing all of it.
The boat owner was elated, and our efforts were
rewarded with a 100. tip! He's had us back every
year since then to maintain it.
6Lightning Auto Detail
Name Jim Peterson Phone 1 714-530-5996 Address
13546 Tahoe St, Westminster, CA 92683, United
States Website http//www.lightningdetail.com/