Title: veg indian food
2 vegan Indian food is one of my favorite world
cuisines.You've probably heard that India is
great for lacto-vegetarian travelers, but did you
know that there are also plenty of vegan Indian
food items to choose from??
3 Much of the delicious vegan food you'll eat in In
dia is healthy. Many curries are often made with
lentils and beans and are rich in protein, and
other curries are filled with a variety of
nutritious vegetables.
4When it comes to vegan Indian food, pakoras are
undoubtedly the perfect snack! They are
basically Indian fritters made of besan (chickpea
flour) with added vegetables like potato, bell
peppers, cabbage, and spices.
5Contact us -
Veg indian food Email- vegindianfood_at_gmail.com P
hone no- 9876467521