Title: Quick Stop Urgent care and Quality Treatment
1Quick Stop Urgent Care
Dr. Shashi J. Goel MD Medicine31 years of
Medical Practice Expert in Weight Loss Management
Address 1930 W Thunderbird RD 101 Phoenix, AZ
85023, USA, (602)-850-0000
2Quick Stop Urgent Care
- Providing comprehensive care through full range
of medical services
3Clinic managed by experienced Dr. Shashi Jain
Goel, MD with profound experience of 31 years
encompasses services like-
- Disease screenings
- Preventative medicine
- Sleep studies
- Rapid lab tests and screenings
- Vaccinations
- X-rays
- Female care
- Employ screening
- Covid Testing
4Treatment available for issues including-
- High blood pressure
- Sinus problems
- Migraine
- Flu
- Allergic cough
- Pneumonia
5Quick Stop Urgent Care Virtual consultation
6Quick Stop Urgent Care Virtual consultation
- The virtual consultation will be like a visit to
a Quick Stop Urgent Care where you can discuss
the medical issue and can get the best guidance
from our experts. To book an appointment you can
visit- https//usaurgentcareclinic.com/
7Quick Stop Urgent Care is striving hard to give
its patients a real medical care and also
accepting and implementing the new means to
comfort people with utmost comfort and less
trouble by introducing Quick Stop Urgent Care
Virtual consultation.