Title: Chettinad - Niyogaa
1Chettinad Niyogaa Annamalaipuram, Chennai
2The Chettinad group is changing lives through
Healthcare, Education, Manufacturing and
Infrastructure founded by a visionary, idealist,
entrepreneur, educationist and philanthropist,
Dr. Raja Sai Annamalai Chettiar. This group
believes in improving the society by providing
industrial and business development
opportunities. We are a group of 21 Institutions,
850 educators, 12140 students and 69974 alumni.
Chettinad- Niyogaa provides https//www.niyogaa.o
rg/ best education Management Company in
Chennai We aim to provide quality life and
education through over 60 years of experience
facilitating a wide range of educational and
service institutions successful across Tamil
Nadu. The group is currently supporting private
and https//www.niyogaa.org/government-aided-scho
ols/ government aided schools, polytechnic,
Medical, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical, engineering,
law and Architecture colleges.
3Founder Dr. Raja Sai Annamalai Chettiar
Specialize in Healthcare, education,
manufacturing infrastructure
An experience of over 60 years in education
Founded on 1912
4- Built on Care, Collaboration, Consistency and
Commitment - Premium institutions in department of Human
resource, Academics, Administration, Finance
Accounts, Organizational development, IT,
Creative design and Wellness
- Global Citizenship
- Culture experience
- Girls hostel in Chennai https//www.niyogaa.org/s
ervice/rani-meyyammai-hostel-chennai/ - Learning beyond the classroom
5The Chettinad Group Vision and Mission We aim
to instill empowered, collaborative, resilient
and competent contributors towards a sustainable
future for the society. Our mission is to become
a pivot of learning by entrusting institutions to
support opportunities for social initiatives and
contribute meaningfully to society by providing
quality education in Tamil nadu.
6Thank You Stay Tuned to Know more!!