Title: DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
1DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
2DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Team Week 4 Data Models For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Read the
following sections of Case Forondo Artist
Management Excellence Inc. of Modern Database
Management Case Description Email from Alex
Martin, Administrative Assistant
3DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 1 Database Management Plan
Part 1 Storing and Extracting Information For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Scenario
You are the Vice President for Information
Technology at a small, growing business. You have
been tasked with developing a plan for
maintaining databases for storage of business
data and use in
4DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 2 Database Management Plan
Part 2 Database Storage For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Create 700-word
entry in your Database Management Plan. You will
use information from this entry in your
presentation due in Week 6. Ensure you
5DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 2 Team Database Instruction
Analysis For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Read the following sections of Case
Forondo Artist Management Excellence Inc. on p.
51 of Modern Database Management
6DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 3 Database Management Plan
Part 3 Database Administration and Data
Governance For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com Based on your previous work in the
previous week, create a 700-word entry in your
Database Management Plan. Ensure you
7DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 4 Database Management Plan
Part 4 Administration and Validation For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Based on
your previous work in the previous week, create a
700-word entry in your Database Management Plan.
You will use information from this entry in your
presentation due in Week 6. Ensure you
8DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 5 Database Management Plan
Part 5 Monitoring and Team Roles For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Based on
your previous work in the previous weeks, create
a 700-word entry in your Database Manag
9DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Apply Week 6 Database Management Plan
Final Project Plan for Business Data and
Analytics For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com You are the Vice President of Information
Technology at a small, growing business. You have
been tasked with developing a plan for
maintaining databases for storage of business
data and use in business analytics.
10DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com DBM 502 Week 1
Database Fundamentals (800 Words Paper) DBM 502
Week 2 Team Database Roles DBM 502 Week 2 Entity
Relationship Diagram (100 Score) DBM 502 Week 3
Team Database Design Standards DBM 502 Week 3
Individual DDL and SQL
11DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 1 Database Fundamentals (800 Words
Paper) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om DBM 502 Week 1 Database Fundamentals
12DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 1 Discussion Data and Information
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Res
pond to the following in a minimum of 175
words Contrast the terms data and
information. Use Figure 1-1 in Ch. 1, "The
Database Environme
13DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 2 Discussion Entity Relationship
Diagrams For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Respond to the following in a minimum of
175 words Describe the benefits of using
Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) in database
design, implementation, and documentation.
14DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 2 Entity Relationship Diagram (100
Score) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om DBM 502 Week 2 Entity Relationship
15DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 2 Team Database Roles For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Learning
Team Database Roles Review the Learning Team
Project Instructions. Write a 2- to 3-page paper
describing the organization's staffing needs
relative to database and application development,
and database
16DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 3 Discussion SQL Server For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Mertel
Insurance is implementing a Microsoft SQL
Server database that will track customer
information, policy information, and transaction
histories. The biggest concern is providing
access to the information each team needs. Sales
representatives need to access customer
information to better serve their clients. Claims
representatives must access policy information to
determine coverage. Supervisors would like to
access transaction histories to monitor employee
performance. Compliance officers often must
gather different and varied information for
various regulatory agencies. Mertel executives
want to monitor key metrics stored in the
database to gauge company performance. Respond
to the following i
17DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 3 IndividualDDL andSQL For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Individual
DDL and SQL Assignment Using the model you
defined in Week Two, provide the Data Definition
Language (DDL) needed to create tables,
attributes, primary and
18DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 3 Team Database Design Standards
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Lea
rning Team Database Design Standards
19DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 4 Database Validation Plan For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Learning
Team Database Validation Plan
20DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 4 Database Warehouse and Historical
Data (100 Score) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com DBM 502 Week 4
Database Warehouse and Historical Data (100
21DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 4 Discussion Database
Administration For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Respond to the
following in a minimum of 175 words
22DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 5 Discussion Data Warehouse For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Respond
to the following in a minimum of 175
words Describe how business intelligence can
help an organization
23DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 5 Historical Data Paper For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Explain the
technology and approach you would use to handle
the needs for studying historical trends in the
information you have collected, combining it with
other databases if needed. What information from
the database would you collect over time? Define
a star model for a data warehouse for this infor
24DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 5 Team Database Administration
Standards For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com DBM 502 WEEK 5 ASSIGNMENT 1 Assignment
1 Learning Team Database Administration
Standards Create standards for database
administration. This should include how
performance will be monitored and tuned, how
backups will happen, how data quality will be
monitored and improved
25DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 6 Big Data Paper (14 Pages) For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com This
assignment reflects an accumulation of the
individual assignments from Weeks One through
Five, which include
26DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 6 Discussion Big Data and Analytics
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Res
pond to the following in a minimum of 175
words How can Hadoop and associated
technologies, like Hive and Pig, be
27DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com
DBM 502 Week 6 Team Executive Presentation For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Learning
Team Executive Presentation Combine the work
from the preceding weeks. If not already done,
make sure that the interests of each role are co
28DBM 502 Exciting Teaching / snaptutorial.com