Title: PD-L1 Biomarker-OptraCAN
On-Demand Digital Pathology Affordable,
Subscription-based System
Programmed Death-Ligand (PD-L1) Automated Image
Analysis Programmed Death-Ligand 1 expression is
an important cancer biomarker and has become a
critical part of patient management for
immunotherapy. The targeted blockade of PD-L1
may help to restore the antitumor response.
Development of the combined positive score (CPS)
for the evaluation of PD-L1 in solid tumors has
indicated that PD-L1 expression on both tumor
and tumor-associated immune cells is associated
with clinical outcome.
OptraSCAN's Solution for Immuno-oncology
Optra PD-L1 automated image analysis for research
use, supports interpretation of PD-L1 IHC
expression on both tumor and immune cells in
solid tumors. It determines PD-L1 expression on
tumor and immune cells showing partial or
complete membrane staining on tumor cells
alongwith membrane and/or cytoplasmic staining on
immune cells in a single read. It is reliable
and can be used to assess PD- L1 expression in a
more objective manner.
General considerations by the PD-L1 assay
- Fully automated algorithm evaluates and generates
scores for both, regions of interest and whole
slide analysis with minimal human intervention - Score generation based on the number of PD-L1
positive cells (tumor, lymphocytes and
macrophages) in relation to total tumor cells
allows capturing of tumor and immune cells in a
single read - Fully integrated image acquisition and automated
evaluation of tumor area using Computer aided
region detection system based on Artificial
Neural Network - Reporting module included with case management
- The following analytical components are assessed
by the AI tool - Tumor Cell staining (an estimate of the
percentage of tumor cells exhibiting partial or
complete membranous staining) - Immune Cell (IC) staining (an estimate of the
percentage of ICs, including macrophages and
lymphocytes, within the tumor, exhibiting
High Expression
Low Expression
No Expression Immune cells
Negative cell
Positive cells
Stained Membrane
On-Demand Digital Pathology Solutions
OS-15 15-slide bright?eld
OS-120 120-slide bright?eld
OS-FS 7-slide frozen sections, with live view
OS-FL 15-slide ?uorescence, with 6 ?lter cubes
Web-based Image Management and Viewing
Web and Mobile Digital Conferencing
On-Demand Image Analysis
Laboratory Information Management System
100 Century Center Court, Suite 410, San Jose,
CA 95112 All OptraSCAN systems and solutions are
for research use only
OptraSCAN is an ISO13485 certi?ed company