Title: ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
1ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
2ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
ENG 295 Week 1 Poetry and the Imagination For
more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
How does poetry stimulate the imagination? In
this first assignment you will examine its role
in the development of appreciation in the natural
world and in developing imagination in
children. Select one poem from among those read
this week in each of the following
sections Animals and Nature
3ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
ENG 295 Week 2 Picture Books The Importance of
Illustration in Childrens Literature For more
course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com This
week's focus is on foundations in children's
literature. Alphabets, chapbooks, and picture
books are staples of children's literature. This
week you will identify key attributes of these
different genres and explore their significance
to the study of children's literature. Explain
the importance of illustration in these books,
which is a key to these genres.
4ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
ENG 295 Week 3 Moral Purpose and Cultural
Significance in Fables, Fairytales, Myths and
Legends Assignment Option For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com This week
focuses on the oral traditions of children's
literature. Folktales, myths, and fables from
around the world have been looked at in an
historical and cultural context. For this
assignment explore the moral purpose of fables
and folktales you have read.
5ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
ENG 295 Week 4 Fiction For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com Domestic
fiction is that group of work that is centered on
real life. Children read fictional stories but
can easily picture themselves in that scene or
performing those tasks. These works of domestic
6ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com
ENG 295 Week 5 Moral and Ethical Development and
Issues in Childrens Literature For more course
tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com In Week 5,
you will more deeply examine the value of
children's literature as a tool of moral and
ethical development, as well as the opportunity
to study issues in children's literature. There
are several substantial issues in children's
literature that greatly affect the teaching and
exposure of children's literature. It is
important to understand these issues when looking
at the value of teaching the genre of
7ENG 295 Education Your Way/newtonhelp.com