Title: CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.com
1CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
2CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Entire Course(June 2020) Â FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis532help.com CIS 532 Wk 1
Discussion Technology and IT Leadership CIS 532
Wk 1 Organizational Transformation CIS 532 Wk 2
Discussion Emotional Intelligence and
Behavior CIS 532 Wk 2 Emotional Intelligence
Analysis CIS 532 Wk 3 Discussion Capitalizing
Organizational Strengths
3CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 1 Discussion Technology and IT
www.cis532help.com Respond to the following in a
minimum of 175 words Discuss how technology
innovations have improved the quality of your
day-to-day work in the past 3 to 5 years. How
does technology innovation influence you as an IT
leader? Share examples of innovations from your
work experience.
4CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 1 Organizational Transformation  FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis532help.com Select an
organization with which you are familiar. Current
or former employers may work well but it is not
required. Imagine you are the CIO and the
organization has a new CEO. The CEO has requested
that you meet to discuss the importance of
digital transformation and issues in IT.
5CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 2 Discussion Emotional Intelligence
www.cis532help.com Respond to the following in a
minimum of 175 words Discuss insights about
emotional intelligence, attitudes, understanding
employee behavior, and how emotional intelligence
can be leveraged. Why is emotional intelligence
important in a leadership position? How can you
predict the motives or reactions of others? Why
might it be beneficial to be able to predict
motivations and reactions of others?
6CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 2 Emotional Intelligence
www.cis532help.com Refer to the LinkedIn
Learning course Leading with Emotional
Intelligence by Britt Andreatta. Submit the
completed Exercise Files.
7CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 3 Discussion Capitalizing
Organizational Strengths  FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis532help.com Respond to the following in a
minimum of 175 words Discuss how you can
capitalize on the strengths of the culture within
the organization. How do you define
organizational innovation? Share an example from
your own experience or from the media of how an
IT leader has leveraged the strengths of an
organizations culture for organizational
innovation or change.
8CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 3 Innovation Presentation  FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis532help.com Consider the
challenges that IT leaders and IT organizations
are facing today as they work to keep the pace of
IT evolution, drive business value through
innovation, and be effective leaders. Create a
1-page list of five to seven challenges that IT
leaders and IT organizations currently face.
Identify challenges from your organization or one
you are familiar with. Include a brief 1- to
2-sentence description of each challenge.
9CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 4 Discussion IS Needs Analysis  FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis532help.com Respond to
the following in a minimum of 175 words Discuss
the importance of conducting a business systems
needs analysis. What role does an IT manager play
in the needs analysis? Share any relevant work
experiences with conducting a needs analysis.
10CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 4 Needs Analysis and Change Management
Plan  FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis532help.com
Read the Needs Analysis and Change Management
Plan Case Study. Conduct a business information
systems needs analysis. Include the following in
your needs analysis Review current technologies
what do you have and what do you need?
11CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 5 Discussion Strategic Vendor
www.cis532help.com Respond to the following in a
minimum of 175 words Discuss the importance of
strategic sourcing for IT. What standards do you
think are most important to establish with
vendors for productivity, process, quality,
conduct, and timeliness? Why is it important to
establish standards for vendor relationships?
12CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 5 Standards Matrix  FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis532help.com Imagine you have just
been promoted as the new CIO of your
organization. The CEO has asked you to set
standards for systems integrity, ethics, and
vendor relations for the IT organization. Complete
the Standards Matrix to set standards for
systems and people. Include three standards for
each of the following System integrity Ethical
IT operations
13CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 5 Standards Matrix  FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis532help.com Imagine you have just
been promoted as the new CIO of your
organization. The CEO has asked you to set
standards for systems integrity, ethics, and
vendor relations for the IT organization. Complete
the Standards Matrix to set standards for
systems and people. Include three standards for
each of the following System integrity
14CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co
CIS 532 Wk 6 Signature Assignment Management
Methodology Interview Article  FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis532help.com In this assignment, you
will learn more about management methodology by
interviewing a CIO or other IT leader and writing
an article. Be sure to arrange for the interview
and prepare your questions in advance so you are
able to write your article. Review the grading
rubric for detailed information on grading
15CIS 532 HELP Education Organization--cis532help.co