Title: Leesa Fazal Architect
1Leesa Fazal Famous Architect
2About us
- Leesa fazal is the CEO of the leesa fazal
architects and she has developed excellence in
her profession with extended practice in the
field. She has earned a great reputation for her
outstanding design and cost-friendly
architectural solutions.
3How Leeza Fazal Influences Society with Her
Architectural Skills
When you plan to visit Las Vegas, the first thing
that comes to mind is its tall buildings and
world-class structures. It creates a kind of
impact in which one feels very impressed with the
architecture existing there. The architectural
buildings represent its world-class architecture
and the hard work associated with architects of
that era. So, the building structures represent
the history associated with them of that time.
Somehow, it represents a clear vision to the new
generation from where their society has an origin
and knowing your history makes you feel grounded
and in touch with it. Â One such architect that
has been influenced by such world-class
architecture is Leesa Fazal from Las Vegas. She
is influenced by the structures so much that she
is committed to work for the betterment to
provide high-end solutions to society. So,
considering this she started a highly acclaimed
firm Leeza Fazal architects in 2018. The
expertise team of graphic designers, graphic
artists, engineers, and town planners works on
master planning, building design structures, and
customized home designs. Â
4Leesa Fazal Las Vegas
Along with this, she has created a portfolio of
her outstanding work in the key areas of
commercial, residential, and hospitality
projects. Her designing skills are more focused
on the integration of architectural structures
based on planning and designing structures.
Leesas approach is adopting strategies based on
structural engineering and environmental
sustainability. Her exemplary work has a
tremendous response from clients. Not only this,
she has a bearing education that has an emphasis
on interior spaces that deal with structures and
load-bearing walls. Â Leesa Fazal is working
forward at a great pace considering saving the
resources for the future generation. Her
imagination and artistic ability have led her to
create more nature-friendly designs. Her approach
to recycling spaces has incorporated a trend in
society. This has resulted in the management of
efficient energy resources. Considering this, she
is more focused to design the structures so that
maximum light enters inside the spaces minimizing
the requirement of using external resources. Her
designs show the sustainability of smart
solutions in her architecture. Â
5Get In Touch
- Company Name Leesa Fazal Architects
- Year of Establishment-2018
- Address - Private Summerlin Studio Las Vegas, NV
89144 - Reference Links
- https//twitter.com/leesafazal
- https//www.plurk.com/leesafazal
- https//issuu.com/leesafazal/docs/leesa_fazal_arch
itects.pptx - https//www.instagram.com/leesafazalarchitects/
- https//www.mediaderm.com/las-vegas-the-land-of-ma
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Leesa Fazal, Las Vegas