Title: 5 Tips for Tennis Lessons in Dubai
15 Tips for Tennis Lessons in Dubai
Learning how to play tennis can be difficult,
especially when you are fighting against years of
instincts and poor technique. With plenty of
amateur 'coaches' wanting to show you what to do,
it can be incredibly easy to develop a poor
tennis technique, putting yourself at risk of
future injuries and slowing your progress at the
same time.
Success at tennis means some relatively
rigid techniques and learning styles, and
without formal tennis lessons, it is difficult to
master the skills required to become a good
tennis player. However, with dedication and
focus, along with a skilled and
accommodating coach, even the biggest
tennis newbie could find themselves mastering
the game within a couple of coaching
seasons. These five tips will help you get the
most from your tennis lessons, no matter which
school or private coach you end up going with.
Remember, tennis success comes not just from
practice but play. Train hard, work on techniques
and specific movements, and put it all into
practice where it counts on the court. ? to
improve your in-game confidence, join a league.
2You can only improve so much through practice
alone. League play doesn't have to be super
competitive, and even the most friendly league
can help you develop the confidence required to
succeed at tennis. A large portion of in-game
ability isn't just technique and focus, but the
confidence and mindset that come with experience
in competition. Start by playing friendly
games against other students, and then
graduate through the ranks to club play and
semi-competitive local tennis groups. ? Master
techniques before you put them into
practice. Tennis is a sport that's very much
dependent on proper technique. A bad technique
not only hampers your game but leaves you at risk
of injuries and long-term muscle damage.
Remember, tennis isn't just a short-term game,
and learning the techniques that will keep you
healthy for the long term is just as important as
mastering the skill shots and techniques that
help you win matches. ? Make your tennis lessons
convenient. A big part of mastering anything is
simply showing up. However, when you're a busy
professional, just finding time for tennis
lessons can be an effort. To ease the
process, try and find a coach that's nearby, or
even better, a coach that can come to you. If you
want more dedicated attention during the lesson,
private coaching might be the best learning
option for you. ? Pick a coach that gets
involved. There's only so much that you can gain
from practicing drills over and over without
assistance. Some coaches don't seem interested in
helping you with the finer details of tennis,
and they're best avoided when it comes to
picking a coach for tennis lessons. When
looking around different clubs, schools, and
independent coaches, be sure to pick someone
that gets involved in their coaching,
giving direct advice, demonstrations, and
helpful tips to students. Learning from the book
can only take you so far learning from a coach
will take you the extra distance. ?Balance
tennis practice with practical play There are
some skills that you simply can't master
through practice and training alone. The
instincts that come with in-game experience, the
special shots that can distract and bewilder an
opponent, and the psychological games that happen
during a match are all things that can only ever
be picked up through real tennis. Learning and
practicing skills with a coach is important,
incredibly so, but balancing it with real
3games will help you develop your game much
faster. If possible, look for a tennis coach
that offers a mixture of drills and one-on-one
match play.
Athletic Kings conduct both private and
group Tennis Lessons in Dubai at an
affordable rate. Our tennis training session
duration is from 60 to 90 minutes.
Article Source - https//athleticking.medium.com/5
-tips-for-tennis-lessons-in- dubai-e163bb8c04c4