Title: Readymade Crowdfunding Clone Scripts - DOD IT Solutions
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2Crowdfunding Clone Scripts
DOD IT Solutions
3The Crowdfunding Clone Script Platform which has
come to a stable state thanks to the
skyrocketing development of the web world within
the last 20 years . DOD IT SOLUTIONS implants
that ?ourishing business concept into the
Fundraising Platform. Investors get an
opportunity to take a position within
the fully-features project.
4Our Crowdfunding Script, Users will be able to
create there own project as to get funds. User
will have several categories to select in order
to create their project. Fundraisers can add
collaborators on their project. Investors can
also see the list of their backed project on
which they have invested their funds and made
payment via integrated payment gateway.
5This CrowdFunding PHP Script can be used by any
creators like artists, musicians, ?lmmakers,
designers, developers, writers, painters, poets,
gamers,etc to create their projects and get funds.
- Fundraisers can add collaborators and Backers
can backed for projects.
6Our Crowdfunding clone script isn't that much
expensive. it's a really very low cost and
depends on your budget and wishes . This
Fundraising business bene?ts everyone,
fundraisers, users, and entrepreneurs. It
inspires many business peoples to create their
Crowdfunding Business.
7- Technology Used
- PHP Language
- Core PHP Framework
- MySQL Database
- Server Any Linux Server.
- Modules Included
- Crowdfunding Clone Script
- Panels included for the above User, Guest User,
Fundraiser Panel, Investor Panel, Super Admin
and Advanced features.
Mobile 91 7339131505 Landline 0431-4000616.
Skype ID doditsolutions Email
support_at_doditsolutions.in , info_at_doditsolutions.
com For More https//www.doditsolutions.com/crowd