Title: What Is Fetal Medicine?
1What Is Fetal Medicine?
Fetal medicine or maternal-fetal medicine (MMF)
focuses on how to solve health problems that the
mother and fetus may experience before, during,
and immediately after pregnancy . Fetal medicine
is also known as perinatology.
2What Conditions Are Treated By Fetal Medicine
Some of the following conditions are controlled
and treated by fetal medicine specialists Existin
g conditions such as HIV, high blood
pressure , obesity, and diabetes . Complications
from previous pregnancies, for example, pre-eclamp
sia , premature deliveries . Problems with the
fetus, for example, congenital malformations . Mul
tiple gestations twins, triplets or
other multiple pregnancies .
3When Should You See A Fetal Medicine Specialist?
If you know you have an existing condition while
trying to conceive or once you are pregnant, you
should discuss it with your doctor, who will
refer you to the correct specialist. Your doctor
will also refer you to a fetal medicine
specialist if deemed necessary during pregnancy.
4Contact Us
One of the Best Maternal And Fetal Medicine
Clinic Kolkata
Call - 91 - 9163325269
Email - info_at_remedygroup.in