Title: Zero Inch Interiors Ltd
2Looking for the Best Interior Design Company In
Bangladesh? You are in the right place. Zero Inch
Interiors ltd. is a dynamic full-fledged
interior design fit-out company comprising of a
vibrant, dynamic team and offers a wide range of
Interior Design services to meet clients
3Look no further than Zero Inch Interiors ltd.
When seeking a reliable and experienced Interior
Design Company In Dhaka. We specialize in
contemporary cutting-edge modern, Biophilic
interior design and construction of corporate
office, office design, apartments, duplex house,
five-star luxury hotels, resort, restaurants,
cafes, and other superior private and public
facilities in Bangladesh.
4Are you searching for a leading Interior Design
Company In Uttara that can meet your needs and
specifications. You have come to the right place.
Our collaborative approach in working with
clientele and our personal attention to detail
allows us to capture the essence of each clients
sensibilities by professionally guiding them in
realizing their vision of personal luxury.
5Zero Inch Interiors Ltd House 14, Road 6/a,
Sector 5, Uttara Dhaka-1230?, Bangladesh Phone018
16-089804 Email info_at_zeroinchinteriorsltd.com Web