Title: Payam Nia - Experienced Professional From Pleasanton, CA
1Payam Nia
Mechatronics Architect of FILM Products at KLA
2(No Transcript)
3Payam Nia is a dedicated mechanical engineer who
has been working in the field for many years. His
experience with different companies has led him
to deal with complex dynamics, control systems,
robotics, and mechatronics.
4Payam M Nia did his studies in mechanical
engineering bachelors from the Azad University
of Mashad, masters from Ferdowsi University, and
Ph.D. from Northeastern University.
5Payam Nias Ph.D. thesis was Control-Parameter-Sp
ace Classification for Delay-Independent
Stability of Linear Time-Invariant Time-Delay
Systems, much of his work has been mentioned in
many conferences and journals. Payam Nia was a
research assistant for Havard Medical School from
2011 to 2012.
6Payam Nia joined ASML in Wilton, CT as a
Mechtronics design engineer in 2014, he dedicated
his efforts to design a servo controller for the
mask position module of lithography machine to
facilitate customers.
7Payam Nia joined Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy in
Pleasanton, CA as a Sr. systems control engineer
from 2017 to 2020. Other than that, he spends his
free time playing volleyball and cooking. He was
awarded Research Excellence in the Mechanical
Engineering department by Northeastern University
in 2014. Currently, Payam M Nia works at KLA as
Sr. mechatronics engineer.
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